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Report Curriculum Committee For CoE Faculty Meeting January 18, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Report Curriculum Committee For CoE Faculty Meeting January 18, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report Curriculum Committee For CoE Faculty Meeting January 18, 2012

2 Agenda items 1.Resources 2.Action Items 3.Information 4.Communication / Planning

3 Resources 1/3 Curriculum Committee scheduled twice/term, if need would be more Meetings aligned with department meetings and CoE faculty meeting to ensure speed and responsiveness in our process Members Jim Greenan, EDCI Susan Britsch, EDCI Anne Knupfer, EDST John Hill, EDST Johannes Strobel, Chair Ex-Officio Sidney Moon, Associate Dean Kathy Dietz, Graduate Studies Jane Ann Dimitt, Advising & Recuriting

4 1. Resources 2/3

5 1. Resources 3/3 Several policy documents (in share-point: Curriculum Committee -> Policies and Procedures) -Form 40 - Flow Chart for Proposed Courses, Programs, and CertificatesForm 40 - Flow Chart for Proposed Courses, Programs, and Certificates -Roles Regarding Course, Program, and Certificate ApprovalsRoles Regarding Course, Program, and Certificate Approvals -Form 40 - Routing Form for Courses, Programs, and CertificatesForm 40 - Routing Form for Courses, Programs, and Certificates -Guidelines for Preparing a Rationale Memo for New/Revised Courses and ProgramsGuidelines for Preparing a Rationale Memo for New/Revised Courses and Programs -Guidelines for Provost’s Office Approval of Certificate ProgramsGuidelines for Provost’s Office Approval of Certificate Programs

6 2. Action Items 1.New Course EDST 24800 Contemporary Issues in American Schools 2.New Course EDPS 51800 Introduction to Special Education 3.Revised Licensing Program Educational Leadership Program’s Building Level Licensing Requirements 4.Program Proposal Special Education Online Masters Program

7 3. Information (no action needed) 1.Change in course credit type—change of credits EDST 60200: Seminar: The School Principalship (change from 4 to 3 credits) EDPS 57701: Characteristics of Children with Mild Exceptionalities: (change from variable credit to (3) credit hours) 2.Change in course credit/type - Add distance education delivery option EDST 60200: Seminar: The School Principalship EDST 58600: Topics in Educational Reform EDST 60700: Administration of Educational Systems EDST 60900: Legal Aspects of American Education EDPS 57100: Advanced Assistive Technology EDCI 61400: Emerging and Development Literacy, (+ change in course title to Literacy and the Development of Young Children) Change of Policy – Chair signature only to approve “add distance”

8 4. Communication / Planning Starting a conversation on faculty preparedness on how to teach online

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