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Brief presentation of the partner Barbara Sarnari – Svi.Med.

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Presentation on theme: "Brief presentation of the partner Barbara Sarnari – Svi.Med."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brief presentation of the partner Barbara Sarnari – Svi.Med.

2 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN Main Activities Legal status: no profit association Location: Ragusa – Sicily – Italy Name of contact person: Barbara Sarnari Phone: 0039 3474233005 E-mail: Website: Other relevant information: partner in 1 Med Capitalisation, 2 ENPI CBC MED and 1 ENPI Italia-Tunisia and consultant for LIFE+, Italia - Malta and MED projects.

3 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN Brief description of the partner SVI.MED. was born for supporting the processes of sustainable development of the territory, in order to implement processes within the European Mediterranean space. SVI.MED. invests energies and resources with the purpose to sustain, by concrete actions, the European policies of cohesion and the effectiveness of the Göteborg Sustainable Development Strategy, through the research, the promotion, the exploitation and the safeguard of the resources and the environmental and cultural heritage, in a vision of sustainable and harmonic development of territories.

4 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN Activities of the partner 10 years of activity have brought SVI.MED. to creating national and international networks, elaborating and sharing strategies and models of development. The main activities of SVI.MED are: identification and analysis of problems proposition of possible and sustainable solutions individuation and coordination of international partnerships, with integrated capacities and competences awareness campaign, training and educational kit

5 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN Main objective of the partner The main objectives are: 1.To sustain the social and territorial cohesion 2.To contribute to the protection of the environmental resources and cultural heritage 3.To integrate competitiveness and protection of the environment 4.To strengthen the international cooperation 5.To open virtuous and sustainable debates on development 6.To influencing behaviour and public policies

6 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN Main activities developed SVI.MED is active in drafting and managing projects on the following issues: Agro-food (2 projects) Agro-food Cultural and Environmental heritage (3 projects) Cultural and Environmental heritage Sustainable Industrial Areas (1 project) Sustainable Industrial Areas Waste management (4 projects) Waste management Water management (3 projects) Water management Other projects are under evaluation








14 KICK OFF MEETING AL SALT JORDAN Thanks for your attention Name of contact person: Barbara Sarnari Phone: 0039 3474233005 E-mail: Website:

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