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-----Reading. Step I Lead-in Bill GatesWarren E. Buffet-King of Stock It’s reported that both of them have set a good example to us by giving away the.

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Presentation on theme: "-----Reading. Step I Lead-in Bill GatesWarren E. Buffet-King of Stock It’s reported that both of them have set a good example to us by giving away the."— Presentation transcript:

1 -----Reading

2 Step I Lead-in Bill GatesWarren E. Buffet-King of Stock It’s reported that both of them have set a good example to us by giving away the majority of their wealth to charities and choosing to live a simple life. The richest persons in the world — Billionaires

3 As we all know, money doesn’t grow on trees. How do people become a millionaire? Be born into a rich family… Become successful businessmen by working hard Win the lottery… overnight Marry a rich person… …

4 Step II Pre- reading Money talks. Money makes the mare go. Do you think so? 金钱万能 有钱能使鬼推磨

5 Is money everything? In my opinion, money plays an important role in our daily life, but money isn’t everything. There are many things far more important than money, such as peace, love, happiness, friendship, health and so on.

6 Step III While- reading “Who wants to be a Millionaire? I don’t,” says Charles Gray. Why?

7 People who are determined to become a millionaire. Charles Gray, a person who has turned his back on his money and lives differently The reason and his feeling of the change. I. Skim the passage to get main ideas. Part1_____ Part 2_____ Part 3_____ (1) (2-5) (6) Introduction Body Ending

8 II. Careful reading to get specific facts —Read the article. Decide if the statements below are true (T), false (F) or there is no information (NI) 1.Charles Gray was a rich businessman. 2.He hasn’t got a TV in his dormitory. 3.He has got a vegetable garden. 4. Charles gave his money away to poor people. 5. People thought he was crazy when he gave away small bank notes in the street. 6. He was happier when he was rich. P2 L1-2 P3 L5-7 P5 L3-5 P6 倒数 L2

9 III. Match the verbs from the text with the correct meanings. give away drop out give up go back a) to return b) to stop doing something c) to change or leave a lifestyle d) to give someone something you don’t need

10 1. In face of difficulty, some may carry on while others are likely ___________. 2. It is high time that you ___________ the foolish idea and took action. 3. Bill Gates set a good example to us by __________ most of his wealth to help the poor. 4. With effective measures taken, people in Wenchuan ____________ normal life in no time. 5. No one can defeat a person who never________. 6. Because of poverty, many children __________________ school in the last 10 years. to drop out/give up gave up giving away went back to gives up have dropped out of

11 A Summary As we all know, a majority of people _____________ to become a millionaire, while Charles Gray, an ______________, ___________________ his money and_______________. He _________ a rich and comfortable life. With time passing by, he ___________ being such a person_____ had everything in the world where many people lived ____________. He _____________ give up the lifestyle of a rich man, ________________ all his money to charities and __________________ a simple but meaningful life. _______ free and much happier now, he wouldn’t _________________ rich for anything — no way. ex-millionaire used to lead was tired of as in povertywas pleased to gave away are determined switched over to turned his back on lives differently Feeling go back to being

12 Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not? Step IV Post-reading Voice your opinion

13 To buy whatever you want ( a luxurious house, a brand car, expensive furniture, fashionable clothes, delicious food…….) To do whatever you want to ( go abroad for further education, travel around the world or even to the moon, pay a visit to places of interest...) To help whoever in need (give away money to the Hope Project, donate money to charities, contribute money to the victims of earthquake-hit areas or flooded areas….) Advantages of being a millionaire:

14 Disadvantages of being a millionaire: To worry about your safety (… rob you of your money; kidnap you or your family; kill you……) To fall into some bad habits (lack motivation to achieve greater success, waste money on useless things, become lazier and lazier, even get addicted to gambling or drugs, thus ruining your health and life..)

15 It is obvious that every coin has two sides. It doesn’t matter whether you are a millionaire or not. What does matter is that you should make the best of your money and make contributions to our society. Do remember: the more you give, the more you’ll get.

16 Part1 Q1. What do people determined to be a millionaire usually do ? ….spend …dreaming up …, …thinking about … Q2. Do they really find the happiness after getting rich? …continue to be concerned about…. …hard working to get…,...hardworking to make sure…

17 Part2--3. 1).What was Charles’s life like in the past? 2).Why didn’t Charles want to be a rich man? 3).How did he deal with his money ? 4).How about his life now? 5).How does he feel now? Good or bad?

18 1). What was Charles’ life like in the past? Answers P3 L1-2 … a college professor with a … house and a fortune of …..

19 2). Why didn’t Charles want to be a rich man? …was tired of being a person …. in a world where …. nothing. P4 L2--4

20 3). How did he deal with his money? …contributed … to charities. With …. left, …..gave away …. P5 L3-5

21 4). How about his life now? 5). How does he feel now? Good or bad? … lives in a small dormitory with … …a small garden outside with ….. … gets …. from ….. P3 L2-6 ….is much happier...... feels so good that …. not go back to being rich …. P6 最后 2 行

22 Assignment : Writing Please write a short passage about the advantages and disadvantages of being a millionaire.


24 Bill Gates’ luxurious mansion

25 luxurious mansion

26 Part1 6 1 43 Part2Part3 People’s ambition Changes in Charles Gray’s life His attitude and feeling The structure of the text 2 5 Introduction Development Ending

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