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OCR GCSE Literature Unit A1661: literary Heritage Linked Texts LO: to gain an overview of the topic, task and text connected to this unit.

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Presentation on theme: "OCR GCSE Literature Unit A1661: literary Heritage Linked Texts LO: to gain an overview of the topic, task and text connected to this unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR GCSE Literature Unit A1661: literary Heritage Linked Texts LO: to gain an overview of the topic, task and text connected to this unit.

2 This unit is about Shakespeare you will be required to study and then write about either a Film, an audio or a live performance of the play Romeo and Juliet

3 Candidates will need to: 1. Study the chosen Shakespeare play (informal supervision – teacher direction, group work) Study and become familiar with the events, characters and themes of Romeo and Juliet

4 One task is set on the Shakespeare text studied linked to a film, audio version or live performance. Candidates will need to 1. Study the chosen Shakespeare play (informal supervision – teacher direction, group work) 2. Study the performed version of the play (informal supervision - teacher direction, group work)

5 Candidates will need to: 1. Study the chosen Shakespeare play (informal supervision – teacher direction, group work) 2. Study the performed version of the play (informal supervision - teacher direction, group work) 3. Carry out relevant research using available resources (limited supervision – support texts, library, internet)

6 Candidates will need to: 1. Study the chosen Shakespeare play (informal supervision – teacher direction, group work) 2. Study the performed version of the play (informal supervision - teacher direction, group work) 3. Carry out relevant research using available resources (limited supervision – support texts, library, internet) 4. Produce an extended piece of work as a response to the set task (formal supervision – direct supervision at all times, can be in the classroom, internet and e-mail are not permitted)

7 Unit outline Why is it important to attend every lesson? Lesson 1Lesson 2Lesson 3Lesson 4 Week 1 overview Introduction to topic, tasks and play Developing knowledge of play Shakespeare’s time- putting the play in context Zeffirelli film viewing 1 Week 2 Film conventions Zeffirelli film viewing 2 Zeffirelli film viewing 3 Focus on the play’s characters (Romeo’s introduction) Focus on play themes, characters and events Week 3 Film 1 & task practise Mise en scene Lighting and Mise en scene CONTROLED CONDITIONS 1: practise writing an answer Week 4 Film 1 & task practise Sound Scene transition and camera angles. Feedback & assessment of CC1. How to write an answer Comparing film interpretations Week 5 CONTROLED CONDITIONS preparation CC Week 6CC

8 Romeo & Juliet PREDICTIONS TASK: in pairs, read through the list and tick the statements you believe to be true about the play (5)(5)

9 Watch and listen to the short summary to check your answers...

10 Correct your answers as we discuss them...

11 OCR GCSE Literature Unit A1661: literary Heritage Linked Texts LO: to gain an overview of the topic, tasks and play Did we manage our LO?

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