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All About Zebras By: Faith Daley. FFor the last month I have been studying the zebra. In this report you will learn where it lives, what it looks like,

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Presentation on theme: "All About Zebras By: Faith Daley. FFor the last month I have been studying the zebra. In this report you will learn where it lives, what it looks like,"— Presentation transcript:

1 All About Zebras By: Faith Daley

2 FFor the last month I have been studying the zebra. In this report you will learn where it lives, what it looks like, how it protects itself, what it eats, who its enemies are, and some interesting facts.

3 Physical Description Zebra

4 Habitat FHave you ever heard of a herd of zebras? That is where they live. A thing you will see in the zebra’s habitat is grass. The zebra can survive in Africa because there is a lot of grass for them to eat.

5 Defense FDo you know how the zebra protects itself? Zebras run fast to get away from predators. Did you know that adult zebras sleep standing up? So when they hear their predator coming they are ready to attack. Another fact about the zebra is that zebras fight the enemies by biting and kicking hard.

6 Prey Chomp… chomp… chomp! The zebra eats plants. A plant that the zebra eats is grass. Another thing that the zebra eats is roots from trees. Finally, the zebra eats very small plants. The grass, roots, and small plants are where the zebra lives, which is on grass.

7 Predators FAaaah! Watch out zebra your predators are coming! Lions prey on zebras because they are hungry. Jackles also prey on zebras because they are hungry. The two last things that prey on zebras because they are hungry are wild dogs and hyenas. They all live in the savanna so it is easy to get them.

8 Interesting Facts FCome down to the grassland of the zebra and I will tell you some interesting facts. Some zebra’s have no stripes in Africa. Although they live in Africa, but they do have spots. Another thing about the zebra is zebras strips can be grey,yellow, brown,or buff-colored stripes. Now lastly, zebras stripe patterns are as individual as your fingerprints.

9 FIs there more you want to know about the zebra? Well, I can’t tell you anymore! You will have to read more books!

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