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Mwana Chiyembekezo: Fostering youth driven gender equity in Malawi.

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Presentation on theme: "Mwana Chiyembekezo: Fostering youth driven gender equity in Malawi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mwana Chiyembekezo: Fostering youth driven gender equity in Malawi

2 Donor Priorities The Girl Effect – Impacting the lives of girls 12 and younger – Education and health focus Rockefeller’s Global Health Priorities – Transform Health Systems – Linking global disease surveillance networks

3 Organizational Competencies Curriculum Training Skills Based Learning Community Health Workers Medical Informatics Capacity Development

4 Organizational Priorities/Partnership Logic

5 How to create change

6 Project Goals Reduce school dropout rates A community surveillance system Youth development Behavior Change Fostering gender equity

7 Mwana Chiyembekezo Surveillance Coordinators Education Administration and Faculty Government 10- 16 year old girls CHW 10-16 year old boys

8 Marketing

9 10-11 yr. olds12-14 yr. old15-16 yr. old TrainingPerformed by primary education teacher; curriculum by EDC. After School activity; curriculum by EDC and CHWs ActivitiesSurveillance of nutrition availability at school lunches. Training for use of mobile phones; monitored health surveillance practice Continued training/skills development; implement health surveillance program TechnologyClipboard, paper, pen Mobile phones (heavily monitored) Mobile phones (less monitored)

10 Surveillance Programs

11 10-11 yr. olds12-14 yr. old15-16 yr. old TrainingPerformed by primary education teacher; curriculum by EDC. After School activity; curriculum by EDC and CHWs ActivitiesSurveillance of nutrition availability at school lunches. Training for use of mobile phones; monitored health surveillance practice Continued training/skills development; implement health surveillance program TechnologyClipboard, paper, pen Mobile phones (heavily monitored) Mobile phones (less monitored) Pay DifferentialNo payOption 1: Take $0.50 after work. Option 2: Invest in personal account; matched with $2 from org. for health/education. Option 1: Take $1.00 after work. Option 2: Invest in personal account; matched with $3 from org. for health/education.

12 Gender Perceptions

13 Benefits Education Surveillance system Retention of locally grown capacity Empowerment Intergenerational change in gender equity Increase in stability

14 Long-term Sustainability Payments originally underwritten by EDC/PIH collaborative Data aggregated by PIH – expand informatics Production of online research tools and data bank for micro-geographical disease surveillance – Fee-based service Social enterprise created to expand/maintain database and expand program goals – Data access fees fund enterprise and become expanded funding pool for payments to children

15 Thank you!!!

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