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Consulting in management. You are welcome to a new course of “Management” chair of our University General information about consulting in the world and.

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Presentation on theme: "Consulting in management. You are welcome to a new course of “Management” chair of our University General information about consulting in the world and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consulting in management

2 You are welcome to a new course of “Management” chair of our University General information about consulting in the world and kazakhstani case 1.The main definitions of term “consulting” 2.Why are consultants used: 5 genetic purposes 3.How are consultants used:10 principal ways 4.The process of consulting

3 Consulting in the world. What is interesting for us? Most of the consulting firms in the current list have been included in the previous year’s list, though their rankings have slightly changed. The best management consulting firms of 2013 are: #1: McKinsey & Company -McKinsey specializes in business information, recruitment, and problem solving for senior management issues. #2: The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.-They advise clients in the private, public, and non-profit sectors across the globe. #3: Bain & Company-The firm is known to provide consulting services to many of the world’s biggest businesses and nonprofit organizations. #4: Deloitte Consulting LLP-Deloitte consulting specializes in human resources, information technology services, outsourcing, health policy and regulatory reform, and strategy and operations. #5: Accenture-This multinational management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, is the world’s largest consulting firm as measured by revenues. #6: Booz & Company-has had notable engagements throughout its years, such as the contract system for Hollywood movies, concepts of supply chain management, product life cycle, and the Organizational DNA concept.

4 What about Kazakhstan`s consulting?

5 Clippings from Journal “Audit/consulting/evaluation”



8 1. The main definitions of term “consulting” There are 2 basic approaches emerge (сonflicting). AuthorDefinition 1Fritz Steele“By the consulting process, I mean any form of providing help on the content, process, or structure, of a task or series of tasks, where the consultant is not actually responsible for doing the task itself but is helping those who are” 2Peter Block“You are consulting any time, you are trying to change or improve a situation but have no direct control over the implementation”. AuthorDefinition 1Larry GreinerManagement consulting is an advisory service contracted for and provided to organizations by specially trained and qualified persons who assist, in an objective and in depended manner, the client organization to identify management problems, analyse such problem, recommend solution to those problem, and help, when requested, in the implementation of solutions”. 2Robert Metzger

9 The method of consulting can be applied by many technically competent persons whose main occupation is not consulting but: Teaching Training Research systems development Evaluation technical assiatance to development

10 “Good counselors lack no clients” (Shakespeare) Management consulting is an independent professional advisory service assisting managers and organizations in achieving organizational purposes and objectives by solving management and business problems, identifying and seizing new opportunities, enhancing learning and implememting changes. (definition of Philip A. Wickham)

11 2. What sort of help we need ? What can be the purpose of using a consultant? Consulting purposes can be looked at from several angles and described in various ways. Achieving organizational purposes and objectives Solving management and business problems Identifying and seizing new opportunities Enhancing learning Implementing changes

12 Generic consulting purposes Achieving organizational purposes and objectives Solving managem ent and business problems Identifyi ng and seizing new opportun ities Enhancing learning Implementing changes

13 What we do mean by “problems”? Complaining of clients Poor business results Unexpected loss Natural disaster Lack of competence Lack of perspectives Wrong decision Missed opportunities Reluctance to change Unrealistic image Failure to meet targets Lack of information Internal conflicts Ambitious business goals In consulting this term is used as a generic term describing a client`s dissatisfaction with the difference between any comparable situation in the client organization.

14 3. 10 principal ways of consulting Consultants can intervene in many different ways. Most of the consulting assistance to management will be given in one or more of the following 10 ways:  Providing information  Providing specialist resources  Establishing business contacts and linkages  Providing expert opinion  Doing diagnostic work  Developing action proposals  Improving system and methods  Planning and managing organizational changes  Training and developing management and staff  Providing personal counselling

15 4. Phases of the consulting process 1. Entry 2. Diagnosis 3. Action planning 4. Implementation 5. Termination 1.First contacts with clients 2.Preliminary problem diagnosis 3.Assisting planning 4.Assisting proposals to client 5.Consulting contact 1.Purpose analysis 2.Problem analysis 3.Fact finding 4.Fact analysis and synthesis 5.Feedback to client 1.Developing solutions 2.Evaluation alternatives 3.Proposals to client 4.Planning for implementation 1.Assisting with implementation 2.Adjusting proposals 3.Training 1.Evaluation 2.Final report 3.Setting commitment 4.Plans for follow-up 5.Withdrawal

16 Thank you!

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