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Listening Unit 7 We spend more time listening, than any other communication activity.

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2 Listening Unit 7

3 We spend more time listening, than any other communication activity

4 HEARING u Physiological process that occurs when you are in the vicinity of vibration

5  Listening Process  Listening, Culture, Gender  Effective Listening  Active Listening

6 I. The Listening Process Receiving ( stimuli ) Under- standing (assign meaning) Remembering (reconstructive) Evaluating (pos. or neg.) Responding (back- channeling cues or feedback)

7 u 2.Attending- The process of selection. If we attended to every sound we would go crazy, so we must filter out some messages and focus on them.

8 u 3. Understanding/Evaluat ing – When we make sense of messages.

9 u 4.Remembering- the ability to recall information/retaining. u We only retain 50% of what we hear/listen to.

10 How much can you retain?

11 u Listening Exam: u 1-4.534,354,435,543 u,red,grey, u,green,grey u 7.grey,green,red u,grey,red u 9.Interpersonally I communicate best non-verbally. u 10.I_____ this interpersonal communication class.

12 u 5.Responding- giving observable feedback to the speaker. Verbally/non-verbally.

13 Barriers to listening u Rapid thought u Message overload u Preoccupation u Ego u Fear u physical

14 II.Listening, Culture, Gender A.Culture Effects: 1.Speech 2.Nonverbal Behaviors

15 3.Direct and Indirect Styles 4.Credibility 5.Feedback B.Gender & Listening

16 III.Styles of Effective Listening A. Participatory/Active

17 A. Passive listening – listening that is attentive and supportive but occurs without talking and without directing the speaker in any nonverbal way. Also used negatively to refer to inattentive an uninvolved listening.

18 u Empathy and objective listening – listening that warrants that you feel and see what speaker feels and sees. And see beyond and above that.

19 C. Nonjudgmental and Critical Listening u *Non-judgmental and critical listening- listening with an open mind. Evaluation D.Surface and Depth

20 IV.Active Listening = is a skill that produces therapeutic effects

21 +

22 A.Purposes of Active Listening 1.Increases Accuracy 2.Validation of Others Feelings

23 3.Prompts the Speaker to Explore Their Own Thoughts & Feelings B.Techniques 1.Paraphrase Speaker’s Meaning

24 2.Express Understanding of Speaker’s Feelings 3.Ask Questions

25 Types of ineffective listening u Pseudo-listening- when you give the false impression of listening (giving eye contact, nod and smile, and answering occasionally) but you are actually thinking about something else. u Stage-hogging (Conversational Narcissists)- when one turns the topic of conversations to themselves instead of showing interest in speaker.

26 u Selective listening- you respond only to the remarks that interest them, rejecting everything else. u Insulated listening- opposite of selective. Instead of looking for something these people avoid it.

27 u Defensive listening- they take others’ remarks as personal attacks. u Ambushing- they listen carefully, but only to collect information that they’ll use to attack what you say. u Insensitive listeners- listeners who aren’t able to listen beyond the words to understand the hidden meanings, so they do not receive massages clearly.

28 Key to becoming an effective listener u sit upright/ avoid putting hands on chin etc. u write down questions to ask later/ points you did not understand etc. u create your own examples u write your note in outline form u rhetorical questions u eye contact u If you lose focus, or drift off, re-position yourself and start again. u Do not write everything the speaker is saying

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