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CIR FOMA Calibration Crew 9/24/08 1:30 PRO-CIR ACT-CMD FOMA-BTL-CAL 1 CMD PRO-CIR DEACT-CMD 274 watts 402 watts274 watts This sequence powers CIR and correlates.

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Presentation on theme: "CIR FOMA Calibration Crew 9/24/08 1:30 PRO-CIR ACT-CMD FOMA-BTL-CAL 1 CMD PRO-CIR DEACT-CMD 274 watts 402 watts274 watts This sequence powers CIR and correlates."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIR FOMA Calibration Crew 9/24/08 1:30 PRO-CIR ACT-CMD FOMA-BTL-CAL 1 CMD PRO-CIR DEACT-CMD 274 watts 402 watts274 watts This sequence powers CIR and correlates the bottle pressures and CIR is powered down. (FOMA-BTL-CAL 1) Crew opens rack doors and Bottle Valves at Manifolds 1 And 2 followed by rack door closure and CIR power up. CIR vents and fills the chamber and correlates Manifold, Chamber and Vent Line Pressures at Low, Ambient and High. Chamber is then evacuated. (FOMA-BTL-CAL 2) Voice or Commanding 0:45 1:30:30 FCF-RACK-PWR DN SW FCF-RACK-DOORS OPEN :15 :5 CIR-BTL VALVE-OPEN :15 FCF-RACK-DOORS CLS :25 FCF-RACK-PWR UP PREP E :10 VS-RIV-OPEN :5 VS-RIV-CLOSE :5 ACS-LAB VALVE-OPEN ACS-LAB VALVE- CLOSE CIR-VES-USAGE* CIR-GN2-USAGE** *VES required from 0/00:15:00 – 0/00:30:00 (CAL 2 Part 1); 0/00:00:00 – 0/00:15:00 (CAL 2 Part 2) **GN2 required from 0/01:30:00 – 0/01:45:00, 0/02:45:00 – 0/03:00:00 (CAL 2 Part 1) 0/00:00:00 – 0/00:15:00 (CAL 2 Part 2) JSC Commanding 1:30 PRO-CIR ACT-CMD FOMA-BTL-CAL 2 CMD 4:00 MDCA-PSW-TST CAL CMD :30:20 FOMA-BTL-CAL 2 CMD PRO-CIR DEACT-CMD 1:30 :5 VS-VES-DEACT 274 watts402 watts 274 watts840w402 Not scheduled if operations can continue

2 CIR Fuel Valve Timer Test Crew 9/18/08 1:30 PRO-CIR ACT-CMD PRO sends commands to configure RFCA & close RPC. HAL issues PL MDM startup notification. CIR-FLVLVTMR-TRP CMD Ground commanding activities: Fill the chamber from Manifold #4 to trip the Fuel Valve Timers Power down rack to 274 watts. PRO-CIR DEACT-CMD PRO sends commands to configure RFCA & open RPC. HAL issues PL MDM shutdown notification. 274 watts 402 watts 274 watts Not scheduled if rack already powered, or if operations can continue CD This sequence fills the chamber from Manifold #4 to trip Fuel Valve Timers and powers down CIR. Crew then opens doors to reset the Valve Timers to Oxygen, closes the doors and flips switch to allow CIR power up. JSC Commanding Voice 0:351:30:30 FCF-RACK-PWR DN SW Crew turns off CIR power switch. FCF-RACK-DOORS OPEN Crew opens upper & lower rack doors. :15 :10 CIR-VALVETIMERS-SET2 Crew sets the CIR Valve Timers :15 FCF-RACK-DOORS CLS Crew closes upper & lower rack doors. :25 FCF-RACK-PWR UP PREP Crew turns on CIR power switch..

3 CIR O2 Valve Timer Test Crew 9/19/08 1:30 PRO-CIR ACT-CMD CIR-O2VLVTMR-TRP CMD Ground commanding activities: Vent Chamber to 1.0 psia & fill with N2 to 4.0 psia. CIR fills Chamber from Manifold #2 to trip O2 Valve Timers & dilutes O2 in the Chamber PRO-CIR DEACT-CMD 274 watts 402 watts 274 watts Not scheduled if rack already powered, or if operations can continue D This sequence fills the chamber from Manifold #2 to trip Oxygen Valve Timers. CIR Rack is powered down for crew to open rack doors and reset the Valve Timers to Oxygen, remove bottle from Manifold #4, install bottle in Manifold #1, and close the bottle valve in Manifold #2. Doors are closed and CIR power switch is turned on. Voice 1:15 1:30 :30 FCF-RACK-PWR DN SW FCF-RACK-DOORS OPEN :15 :10 CIR-VALVETIMERS-SET3 Crew sets the CIR Valve Timers :15 FCF-RACK-DOORS CLS :25 FCF-RACK-PWR UP PREP E :20 CIR-MANF BTL-RMVL J Crew removes CIR Manifold Bottle from the Optics Bench. :15 CIR-MANF BTL-INSTL A Crew installs CIR Manifold Bottle onto the Optics Bench. :5 CIR-BTL VALVE-CLOSE Crew closes Bottle Valve. CIR-MANF BTL-VENT Crew manually relieves pressure at bottle vents. :10 VS-RIV-OPEN :5 VS-RIV-CLOSE :5 ACS-LAB VALVE-OPEN ACS-LAB VALVE-CLOSE CIR-VES-USAGE* CIR-GN2-USAGE** *VES required from 0/00:15:00 – 0/00:30:00. **GN2 required from 0/00:30:00 – 0/00:40:00 & 0/00:50:00 – 0/01:05:00. JSC Commanding

4 CIR OLIC Inhibit Test Crew 9/17/08 1:30 PRO-CIR ACT-CMD PRO sends commands to configure RFCA & close RPC. HAL issues PL MDM startup notification. 22:55 CIR-OLIC-TEST CMD Ground commanding activities: Vent Chamber to 1.0 psia & test Station Nitrogen Valve and Manifold for leaks. Fill Chamber to 44.1 psia & test fill rate, chamber & recirculation path for leaks. Vent Static Mixer Line through chamber to 4.0 psia Run recirculation to reduce recirculation path pressure. 1:30 PRO-CIR DEACT-CMD PRO sends commands to configure RFCA & open RPC. HAL issues PL MDM shutdown notification. 274 watts 402 watts274 watts Not scheduled if rack already powered, or if operations can continue C B This sequence performs the CIR On-orbit Leak Integrity (OLIC) Test. :20:10 VS-VES-ACT VS-RIV-OPEN JSC Commanding :5 VS-RIV-CLOSE :5 ACS-LAB VALVE-OPEN ACS-LAB VALVE-CLOSE CIR-VES-USAGE* *VES required from 0/00:15:00 – 0/00:30:00 & 0/22:30:00 – 0/22:45:00 **GN2 required from 0/20:30:00 – 0/21:15:00 CIR-GN2-USAGE** Commanding with Downlink (0/00:00:00 – 0/00:30:00, 0/22:30:00 – 0/22:45:00)

5 CIR Solenoid Inhibit Test Crew 9/17/08 1:30 PRO-CIR ACT-CMD PRO sends commands to configure RFCA & close RPC. HAL issues PL MDM startup notification. 1:05 CIR-SLND INH-TST CMD Ground commanding activities: Power up Rack, if necessary Tests idle inhibits, chamber vent inhibits, chamber fill inhibits, & vent static mixer inhibits 1:30 PRO-CIR DEACT-CMD PRO sends commands to configure RFCA & open RPC. HAL issues PL MDM shutdown notification. 274 watts 402 watts 274 watts Not scheduled if rack already powered, or if operations can continue A B

6 CIR Initial Power Up Check Out Crew FCF-RACK-PWR UP PREP Crew turns on CIR power switch 9/17/08 0:25 This sequence powers on CIR. CIR then sets rack and science loop flow rates, sets ATCU fan speeds and verifies power on and configuration of packages. 1:30 PRO-CIR ACT-CMD PRO sends commands to configure RFCA & close RPC. HAL issues PL MDM startup notification. 0:40 CIR-RCK-INIT C/O CMD Ground commanding activities: Set Rack & science loop flow rates Set ATCU fan speeds Rack Power Up (excluding MDCA CIA) Verify packages power on and configure properly. 1:30 PRO-CIR DEACT-CMD PRO sends commands to configure RFCA & open RPC. HAL issues PL MDM shutdown notification. Voice 274 watts 804 watts274 watts Not scheduled if operations can continue A

7 CIR MDCA Setup Sequence 1 Inc. 18 OCR Crew CIR-LENS-INSPECT 2.015 – Crew inspects imaging package lenses for shatterable material. 8/21/08 1:55 1:50 MDCA-CIA-INSTL PREP 2.037 – Crew prepares the MDCA CIA for initial installation into the CIR Combustion Chamber. Requires MWA Containment System with Vacuum attached. Must be completed prior to CIR MDCA SETUP Sequence 7 Can be on Task List Requires MWA. Must be completed prior to CIR MDCA SETUP Sequence 10 Can be on Task List, but CIR team needs 1 hour notification to be on- console. This sequence performs the initial inspection of the CIR Imaging Package Lens while they are inside the MWA containment system to ensure they are not broken. The MDCA CIA is also prepped for its initial installation. Both activities require the MWA, but only the lens inspections require the containment system.

8 CIR MDCA Setup Sequence 2 Inc. 18 OCR Crew FCF-ACCUM-DISCONNECT 2.006 – Crew disconnects the CIR Accumulator QD from the rack UIP connection. 9/3/08 1:45 :05 FCF-DOOR H/W-RMVL 2.004 – Crew engages the pins which lock the Optics Bench in place and removes the upper and lower rack door launch hardware on the CIR. Must occur before SOFD installs PaRIS umbilicals. :10 Must occur before SODF Install PaRIS Hardware because the Optics Bench needs to be locked down with bench pins prior to any rack rotation. Includes 2.001 FCF Open FCF Upper, Lower Rack Doors Step 2. FCF-DRS-CLS SEQ 2-10 2.003 – Perform Steps 2.1-2.4, 2.6 Delay not allowed between activities A This sequence removes the launch restraints from the CIR and opens and closes the rack doors. Possible Get-Ahead Activities from Sequence 5: 2.016 TSH Install (0:20) 2.012 I/O HD DR Install (0:20) 2.009 EEU Air Bypass (0:05) 2.042 Valve Timers Set (0:05) 2.039 Adsorber Cart Install (0:10) *Could be 30 min x 2 crewmembers

9 CIR MDCA Setup Sequence 3 Inc. 18 OCR Crew 8/21/08 0:35 CIR-LAUNCH BOLT-RMVL 2.010 – Crew removes the CIR Optics Bench Launch Bolts. Must occur during SODF procedures while the rack is rotated; the time will increase to 2 hour 10 minutes if scheduled separately. SODF procedures for installing PaRIS umbilicals will occur after this procedure. Must be done before Sequence 11; not required at this point. PaRIS umbilicals needs to be demated for rack rotation, and therefore will be the last thing mated. Begin SODF Procedures for installing PaRIS hardware. Time Estimate: 4 hours. Complete SODF procedures for installing PaRIS umbilicals. Time Estimate: 45 minutes. SODF B A This sequence removes the launch bolts from the CIR Optics Bench. 0:35 1:10 OR:

10 CIR MDCA Setup Sequences 4 and 5 Inc. 18 OCR Crew 9/3/08 FCF-DRS-OPN SEQ 4-11 2.001 Perform Step 2. In Step 2.1, finger loosen bolts. C B :05 :10 :15 1:50 :05 CIR-WINDOWS-INST P1 and P2 2.014 CIR-FRNTEND CAP-OPN4 2.008 Perform Steps 1.1, 2 CIR-WIN STRUT-RMVL 2.012 CIR-FRNTEND CAP-CLS5 2.009 Perform Steps 1.5, 2 FCF-DRS-CLS SEQ 2-10 2.003 Perform Steps 2.1-2.4, 2.6 :30 CIR-SPACR PLATE-RMVL 2.088 :10 This combination of Sequences 4 and 5 installs the Chamber Windows and begins population of the front of the Optics Bench. 1:50 :20 **CIR-TSH-INSTALL 2.016 **FCF-I/O HD DR-INSTL 2.012* :05:10 :05 **FCF-EEU AIR BYP-ADJ 2.009* **CIR-VALVE TIMERS-SET 2.042 Deleted VOICE req’t. **CIR-ADSORB CART-INST 2.039 Steps 1.1, 2 *Crew Procedure Title to be corrected via OCR. **Can be on Task List if FCF Doors Open/Close scheduled with them.

11 CIR MDCA Setup Sequences 6 - 9 Inc. 18 OCR Crew 9/3/08 FCF-DRS-OPN SEQ 4-11 2.001 Perform Step 2. In Step 2.1, finger loosen bolts. D :05:301:50 :05 CIR-OBENCH-ROT HORZ 2.002 CIR-OBNCH-XLATE OUT1 2.001 Perform Steps 1.2, 2.1, 2.4, and 6 *CIR-SUPRT STRUT-RMVL, CIR-WIN CVR PL-RMVL, CIR- I/O AIR DCT-INST & CIR-VEL PRB/SD-INST 2.011, 2.019, 2.085, 2.089 FCF-DRS-CLS SEQ 2-10 2.003 Perform Steps 2.1-2.4, 2.6 :10:35 :05 CIR-OBENCH-ROT VERT 2.021 CIR-OBENCH-XLATE IN 2.039 Perform Steps 2, 7, 8 Includes demating TSH cable. This combination sequence accomplishes populating the back of the CIR Optics Bench. * Procedures to be combined into one procedure 1:20 CIR-LLLUV PKG-INST & CIR-ILLUM PKG-INST 2.037 :40:20 CIR-IPSU ADAPT-INST7 2.044 CIR-IPSU ANALOG-INST 2.046 CIR-IPSU-INSTL SEQ7 2.046 :40:25 :55:25 CIR-IPSU-INSTL SEQ8 2.046 CIR-IPSU ADAPT-INST8 2.044 CIR-HIBMS-INSTALL 2.038 CIR-IPSU/IMGPKG-CNCT 2.053 C 1:30:10 FOMA-CNTRL UNIT-INST, MDCA-AV PKG-INSTALL, FOMA-CAL UNIT-INSTL 2.026 Skip Step 3.2 2.001 2.024 Skip Step 1.1 and Deleted VOICE req’t CIR-IMG APRTURE-SET1 & CIR-IMG APRTURE- SET2 2.064 SET1 – Perform Step 3 (LLL- UV 50mm). SET2 – Perform Step 7 (HiBMS 30mm). Includes mating TSH cable.

12 CIR MDCA Setup Sequence 10 Inc. 18 OCR Crew 9/16/08 FCF-DRS-OPN SEQ 4-11 2.001 Perform Step 2. In Step 2.1 finger loosen bolts. :05:15 :05 CIR-WINDOWS-INST P3 2.055 Skip Step 3. CIR-FRNTENDCAP-OPN10 2.008 Perform Steps 1.1, 2.1-2.6 FCF-DRS-CLS SEQ 2-10 2.003 Perform Steps 2.1-2.4, 2.6 Delay not allowed between activities :25 MDCA-CIA-INSTALL 2.013 Skip Steps 1.1, 1.2. Do not restow CIR IRR Connector Kit. :15 CIR-FRNT END CAP-CLS 2.009 Skip Step 1.2 E This sequence finishes installing the chamber windows, installs the MDCA CIA and installs the Fuel Supply Bypass QD. :15 1:05 CIR-FUEL BYP QD-INSTL 2.017 D

13 CIR MDCA Setup Sequence 11 Inc. 18 OCR Crew 9/16/08 FCF-DRS-OPN SEQ 4-11 2.001 Perform Step 2. In Step 2.1 finger loosen bolts. :05 :25 :15 CIR-WIP HOSES-MATE 2.068 Perform Step 1 CIR-ELEC HARN-MATE 2.023 FCF-DRS-CLS SEQ 11 2.003 Perform All Steps. Delay not allowed between activities CIR-GIP HOSES-MATE 2.069 :15 CIR-MANFBTL-INST J&B 2.041 Skip Steps 2.2, 3.4. Install CIR Manifold Bottles J and B. PRO-CIR ACT-CMD FCF-ELC-DISCONNECT 2.008 1:30* This sequence finishes populating the front of the Bench and the crew runs an initial rack power up and checkout using an ELC. PaRIS umbilicals must be installed prior to beginning this sequence. FCF-ELC RACK-CKOUT 1.001 Skip Step 5. Use ELC TBD. E :15:30 1:001:30 PRO-CIR DEACT-CMD Voice 0:200:35 1:10 Includes 2.002 FCF POWER DOWN RACK 274.0 w316.0 w 274.0 w * Does this need to be 90 minutes since it’s only for RFCA? Tim to check with PRO. Could also be done earlier.

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