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1 based on Meyer-Briggs (A) Assertive (Tell) (2) People (1) Task (B) Reflective (Ask) Personal Style Inventory.

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Presentation on theme: "1 based on Meyer-Briggs (A) Assertive (Tell) (2) People (1) Task (B) Reflective (Ask) Personal Style Inventory."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 based on Meyer-Briggs (A) Assertive (Tell) (2) People (1) Task (B) Reflective (Ask) Personal Style Inventory

2 2 PERSONAL STYLE INVENTORY Each line below lists two contrasting traits. Your task is to spread seven points between the two statements on each line to reflect the balance of how each describes you. Points may be spread in any way you wish, but both sides together must add up to seven. Give high points to the description that describes you well, while giving the other side low points. For example, people who see themselves as quick in the way they handle things, might fill out the first line like this: __5__ Likes a fast pace OR __2__ Likes a slower, more deliberate pace A B _____ Likes a fast pace OR _____ Likes a slower, more deliberate pace _____ Energetic involvement in OR _____ Relaxed involvement in things _____ Emphasis on action OR _____ Emphasis is on planning and thinking _____ Likes to influence people OR _____ Prefers to “live and let live” _____ Likes competitive activities OR _____ Prefers casual, cooperative activities _____ Takes control of problems OR _____ Tries to let things work out _____ Tends to be impatient OR _____ Shows a good deal of patience _____ Expresses opinions openly OR _____ Holds opinions to self _____ TOTAL FOR COLUMN A _____ TOTAL FOR COLUMN B 1 2 _____ Moderate enjoyment of social OR _____ High enjoyment of social events _____ Most concerned about facts OR _____ Most concerned about people’s feelings _____ Controls emotions OR _____ Expresses emotions _____ Likes to take independent actions OR _____ Prefers to be part of team activities _____ Rational decision maker OR _____ Intuitive decision maker _____ Conversations focus on tasks OR _____ Conversations have a people focus _____ High concern for accomplishment OR _____ High concern for emotional satisfaction _____ High expectations of self and others OR _____ Easy going with self and others _____ TOTAL FOR COLUMN 1 _ TOTAL FOR COLUMN 2 Activity Adapted from the Total Quality Management Facilitator and Team Leader Training. 1991, Oregon State University, used with their permission

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5 5 based on Meyer-Briggs (A) Assertive (Tell) (2) People (1) Task (B) Reflective (Ask) Driver Control Specialist Analytical Technical Specialist Expresser Social Specialist Amiable Adaptive Specialist Personal Style Inventory

6 6 based on Meyer-Briggs People behave in one of four zones, based on their assertiveness and responsiveness Opposite-cornered people have challenges in getting along Driver impatient with Amiable Analytical can’t understand Expressers Role-play with opposites, using handout Personal Style Inventory

7 7 based on your personality style (A) Assertive (Tell) (2) People (1) Task (B) Reflective (Ask) CompeteCollaborate / Confront Avoid Accommodate Compromise Conflict – Resolution Style

8 8 based on your personality style (A) Assertive (Tell) (2) People (1) Task (B) Reflective (Ask) CompeteCollaborate Avoid Accommodate Compromise / Confront Conflict – Resolution Style

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