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A network of interconnected portals for sharing open contents Alain Kavenoky UNIT and the ORI-OAI development team Alain.

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Presentation on theme: "A network of interconnected portals for sharing open contents Alain Kavenoky UNIT and the ORI-OAI development team Alain."— Presentation transcript:

1 A network of interconnected portals for sharing open contents Alain Kavenoky UNIT and the ORI-OAI development team Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009

2 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 UNIT Université Numérique Ingénierie et Technologie Digital University for Engineering and Technology Is one of the UNT Universités Numériques Thématiques Topical Digital Universities Created by the Higher Education and Research Ministry

3 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 UNT Functions A brick less university A student less university A grade less university A repository of e-learning contents, with worldwide free access offered to : Students Professors for creating their own curses using learning elements

4 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 UNIT About 60 engineering schools and universities contribute to the content production More than 10 000 equivalent hours are available The problem : how to manage this huge amount of data The option to organize a central portal has been rejected UNIT has chosen to create a network of connected portals, based on the OAI-PMH protocols.

5 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 Document Meta-data A digital document : e-version of a printed document movie multimedia courseware simulator,... Meta-data: Dublin Core LOM or LOM-FR TEF (thesis) Link (URL) to the document... Document and méta-data Link (URL)

6 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 An OAI repository A set of documents and meta data

7 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 A network of portals Meta data harvesting OAI-PMH protocol Queries Portal#1 Portal#2Portal#3 Harvesting portal

8 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 ORI-OAI (Outil de référencement et dindexation, reference and indexing tool) has been developed, mainly based on open-source components. The main functions are : Meta data editor for Dublin Core, LOM, TEF Vocabularies management : for each item, the vocabulary is limited in order to simplify the queries Workflow control for validating the meta data (may involve authors, libraries, management) Repository to expose the meta data using the OAI protocol ORI-OAI(1)

9 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 ORI-OAI(2) The main functions are : Harvesting a set of OAI repositories Indexing: for meta data and full text indexing Proposing search forms for local or remote contents ECM (Enterprise Content Manager) for storing and retrieving all the documents and securing the contents All these modules are developed using JAVA frameworks and, the full system is managed under the GPL licence The data fluxes between modules are based on web services.

10 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 ORI-OAI day 2 10 ORI-OAI Architecture ESUP-ECM+ORI-OAI-nuxeo Documents storage, retrieval and authentification ESUP-ECM+ORI-OAI-nuxeo Documents storage, retrieval and authentification ORI-OAI-repository ORI-OAI-indexing Indexing engine ORI-OAI-indexing Indexing engine ORI-OAI-workflow Meta data workflow manager ORI-OAI-workflow Meta data workflow manager ORI-OAI-vocabulary Vocabularies manager ORI-OAI-vocabulary Vocabularies manager ORI-OAI-harvester ORI-OAI-search Search engine ORI-OAI-search Search engine 8 modules Connected by web services ORI-OAI-md-editor Meta data editor ORI-OAI-md-editor Meta data editor

11 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 ORI-OAI Users ORI-OAI day 2 11 UNIT UNISCIEL UVED UMVF UNJF UNR Bretagne UNR Nord-pas-de-Calais UNR Normandie Le portail Universités Numériques Université de Rennes 1 Université de Valenciennes INSA de Lyon INP de Toulouse / ENSEEIHT Université Aix-Marseille Université dAngers Université des Antilles Université dArtois Université de Bordeaux 1 Université de Bourgogne Université de Bretagne Occidentale Université de Bretagne Sud Université dEvry Université de Franche-Comté Université de Lille 1 Université de Lille 3 Université de Limoges Université du Maine Université de Metz Université de Nancy 1 Université de Nancy 2 Université de Paris 5 Université de Paris 6 Université de Paris 10 Université de Paris Sud Université de Provence Université de Rennes 2 Université de Versailles Club EEA Ecoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan ENS Lyon INPL Institut de la Montagne IUFM de Bretagne IUTenligne Campus Virtuel Marocain Université Virtuelle de Tunis JUNET in Jordan Quebec universities

12 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 ORI-OAI 1.5 has been released, last July Implementation of the TEF (thèses électroniques françaises) meta data in the MD editor. Use of the TEF data in the search module Transfer of the TEF metadata to the ABES (Agence Bibliographique de lEnseignement Supérieur, Library agency for higher education) STAR software ( Signalement des thèses électroniques, archivage et recherche) Next Release 1.6

13 Lille, janvier 2005 Alain Kavenoky Paris, Friday, December 4, 2009 Lille, janvier 2005 Future development Two developments are planned: Add to ORI-OAI the functions needed to manage a repository for every document issued by the establishment : e-learning, research report, management files, thesis Allow this repository to seamlessly transfer the Research reports to HAL, the open archive for Research managing system.

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