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高 一 英 语 Module 2 Unit 1 Language points(1) 授课教师 :蒋 立 耘.

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1 高 一 英 语 Module 2 Unit 1 Language points(1) 授课教师 :蒋 立 耘

2 Homework checking

3 Interview Mr. Foster Mrs. Foster Kelly Detective Sam Peterson (from China Daily) Can you tell me what happened that night?

4 For example (with Mr. Justin): Students A: Can you tell me what happened that night? Students B: I went on night work that evening. …surprised … not tell … stay out late. not show up … lunch the next day… my wife … worry … ask me …. police Students A: So far, the police haven’t found … about …, but …not dismiss the possibilities … taken by aliens, …also look into other…not give up until…Don’t worry too much.

5 The ending to the story… Creative thinking

6 Words study Practice: Exercise A1 on P86 1) step up2) due to3) show up 4) take … away5) search for 6) move towards / to7) look into 8) make up9) take charge of 10) put on11) be around / about… 12) wake up

7 Words study Practice: Exercise A2 on P86 1) witnesses2) creature 3) gone missing4) incident 5) research6) due to 7) show up9) possibility

8 1. Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing… The incident has received great interest due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy disappeared. (Para.1)

9 ● step up 加速 ; 走上前来 ; 提升, 提高 1)John waited until the teacher had finished speaking to Mary, and then he stepped up. 2) The factory stepped up the production to meet the increased demand. 3) Women’s social position in China has been much stepped up in the past 50 years. 走上前来 加速 提升,提高

10 ● search n. / vt. / vi. 搜索, 搜寻, 搜查 search … / search for … in search of / in one’s search for She went into the kitchen ____________ ( 寻找) a drink. Visitors are regularly _________ ( 搜身 ) as they enter the building. in search of to search for searched

11 The police have _______ the thief for several days, and now they are _____ the station. A. searched, searching B. searched for, searched for C. searched for; searching D. searched; searched for

12 ● go missing = go lost : go 作连系动词, 意思为 “ 变成某种状态(通常指不好 的状态) ” go mad / crazy go wrong 出故障 go bad 变质 发疯

13 His hair _________ after his son’s death. In summer, milk can _______ easily. go sour went grey go bad

14 ● interest: n. 兴趣, 利益 ; 利息 have / find / show / take ( an / no ) interest in… 对 …… 有 / 无兴趣 develop (one’s) interest in 培养对 …… 的兴趣 lose interest (in) 对 …… )失去兴趣 be / become interested in…

15 ● interest: n. 利益 ; 利息 a question of common interest 共同关心的问题 the interest rate 利率

16 ● due to 由于, 因为 ( 可作状语和表语 ) because of … owing to… thanks to… as a result of… 一般作状语

17 Due to his rudeness, I didn’t say one more word to him. Due to illness, the scheduled visit to a factory has been put off. The team’s success was largely due to her efforts.

18 1) The electricity bill is due tomorrow. 2) Our train is due in Paris at 2 p.m. 3) The book is due to be punished in October. 到期(应偿付,付给) 定于(某时)到达 定于

19 3. The aliens took me aboard the UFO so that they could do research on me. aboard adv. / prep. 在(飞机等)上, 上(轮船,飞机,火车等) They were all aboard the ship last night. 昨天夜里他们都在船上。

20 It’s time to go aboard. Welcome aboard! All 257 aboard died in a DC-10 airliner crash in Antarctica. 上船、 上飞机

21 ● research vt. / vi. / n. 调查;研究 1)research (into / on) sth; 2)do/ carry out /make research into / on 对 …… 进行研究

22 1)He has done a good deal of research on that subject. 对那个学科他做了很多的研究 2) They are carrying out a research into/ researching (into) the cause of the cancer. 他们正在研究癌症的原因。

23 4. When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, … possibility n. 可能性 There is a strong possibility that they will win the next election. 他们很可能在下次选举中获胜。 chance

24 ● possible adj. possibly adv possibility n. 1)It is possible that … 2)There is possibility of doing sth; There is possibility that… 我们有可能及时到那里吗 ? Is there any possibility of our getting there in time?

25 1. Finish English Weekly No.8. 2. Finish Reading A on P90. 3. Review what we have learned in Unit 1.

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