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Jeopardy N. Africa Eastern Med. Northeast Arabian Pen. Central Asia Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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2 Jeopardy N. Africa Eastern Med. Northeast Arabian Pen. Central Asia Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 North Africa A streambed in the desert that is dry except during heavy rain.

4 $100 Answer Wadi

5 $200 North Africa The fertile area of northern Africa known as the birthplace of some of the earliest civilizations.

6 $200 Answer Nile Delta

7 $300 North Africa The country with a large dam that controls flooding, provides hydroelectricity, & provides irrigation for about 3 million acres.

8 $300 Answer Egypt

9 $400 North Africa The landform that runs through Morocco, Algeria, & Tunisia

10 $400 Answer Atlas Mountains

11 $500 North Africa a The country with a pumping & pipeline system that supplies freshwater across a large area.

12 $500 Answer Libya

13 $100 Eastern Mediterranean The process of removing salt from seawater so that it is drinkable.

14 $100 Answer desalination

15 $200 Eastern Mediterranean The depletion of ground vegetation by livestock to the point that erosion may cause desertification.

16 $200 Answer overgrazing

17 $300 Eastern Mediterranean A chemical used to kill or repel unwanted insects or animals; also a major water pollutant.

18 $300 Answer pesticide

19 $400 Eastern Mediterranean One who is believed to have delivered messages from God, such as Abraham or Muhammad.

20 $400 Answer prophet

21 $500 Eastern Mediterranean A stateless nation that is comprised of Muslim Arabs engaged in a long conflict over land with Israel.

22 $500 Answer Palestinian people

23 $100 Northeast Due to high mountains that block moisture from major bodies of water, much of the inland areas of the Northeast experiences which type of climate?

24 $100 Answer Arid or semi-arid

25 $200 Northeast A place that nurtures the growth of a new culture that grows & spreads to other places.

26 $200 Answer Cultural hearth

27 $300 Northeast A system of wedge-shaped symbols pressed into clay tablets

28 $300 Answer Cuneiform

29 $400 Northeast The homeland of the ancient Sumerians known as “the land between 2 rivers”.

30 $400 Answer Mesopotamia

31 $500 Northeast The practice of livestock farming, which may begun in what is now Iraq.

32 $500 Answer Pastoralism

33 $100 Arabian Peninsula The reasons people leave & are drawn to a new land are defined as this.

34 $100 Answer Push & Pull factors

35 $200 Arabian Peninsula The holiest city of Islam to which many Muslims make a pilgrimage.

36 $200 Answer Makkah (Mecca)

37 $300 Arabian Peninsula A religious journey Muslims are expected to complete at least one

38 $300 Answer Hajj

39 $400 Arabian Peninsula The law of Islam which governs every aspect of a Muslim’s life.

40 $400 Answer Shari’ah

41 $500 Arabian Peninsula This body of water is an important resource because it contains an unusually hard coral reef.

42 $500 Answer Red Sea

43 $100 Central Asia Areas where underground water naturally comes to the surface.

44 $100 Answer Oases

45 $200 Central Asia Grains that are grown for food such as barley, oats, or wheat.

46 $200 Answer cereals

47 $300 Central Asia The world’s largest inland body of water

48 $300 Answer Caspian Sea

49 $400 Central Asia A wide, grassy plain often found beside desert regions in Central Asia

50 $400 Answer Steppe

51 $500 Central Asia Once a large inland body of water that is now sever small, disconnected bodies of water

52 $500 Answer Aral Sea

53 Final Jeopardy a c d b The political regime that was removed from power in Afghanistan following Sept. 11, 2001

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Taliban

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