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+ Beyond Basics Clayton Carter Columbus State University.

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1 + Beyond Basics Clayton Carter Columbus State University

2 + Types of Software that are Beyond the Basics Materials Generators Data Collection and Analysis Tools Testing and Grading Tools Graphics Tools Planning and Organizing Tools Research and Reference Tools Content-Area Tools

3 + Materials Generators What are they? Materials generators allow teachers to create documents, web pages, different lessons and exercises.

4 + Examples Desktop Publishing Software Can be used to make brochures, newspapers, etc. Make sure that it is visually appealing! Web Design Software Allow people to make Web pages. Our wordpress site is an example! PDF and Form Makers Documents can be made and turned into images that can be shared with others.

5 + Examples Microsoft Publisher Adobe Dreamweaver: Makes Web pages Smartboard

6 + Data Collection and Analysis Tools What are they? They do just what their name says. This type of software can be used to store and analyze student, academic, and attendance data.

7 + Examples Databases Store information Statistical Software Data can be entered and calculations are performed by the software. Online Surveys The link can be given to any group of people where it can be accessed and their results stored and analyzed. Clickers Students can use iPads or the like to answer questions as a group where the results are stored and displayed immediately.

8 + Examples Microsoft Access: Database Plusportals: Student Information System Activote: ClickerSurvey Monkey: Online Survey

9 + Testing and Grading Tools What are they? This software allows teachers to create tests and worksheets, store and calculate grades, and hold other pertinent information.

10 + Examples Electronic Gradebooks Teachers can calculate and keep track of grades. Test and Rubric Generators This type of software allows teachers to make their own tests or worksheets from a question bank, scramble questions and answer choices, etc. The can also make rubrics by just filling in the necessary information or choosing from a standard model. Computer-Based Testing Systems The GACE, SAT and GED are just two examples of tests offered online. Students can take tests online. Some of these tests adapt their questions to the student’s performance. Critics worry about fairness for students with learning disabilities and alignment with state curriculum.

11 + Examples Electronic Gradebook Examview: Test Generator

12 + Graphics Tools What are they? This software allows teachers to make images, charts, animation, manipulate photos, make and edit videos and the like.

13 + Examples Draw/Paint Programs Students and teachers can create their own graphics. These graphics can be inserted into a document or Web page. Image Editing Software This type of software allows the user to edit or enhance photos. This type of software can be complicated, but there are mobile apps that make it in the grasp of the everyday person. Charting/Graphing Software The user simply inputs the data and the program makes a corresponding graph or chart.

14 + Examples KidPix: Draw/Paing Program Adobe Photoshop

15 + Planning and Organizing Tools What are they? This software allows lesson plans to made, concept maps to be drawn, and schedules to be organized.

16 + Examples Outlining and Concept Mapping Software Concept maps visually display the relationship between various ideas. Outlining tools allow for the organization of content into a hierarchy. These tools are standard in word processing software. Lesson Planners This type of software will help guide you through the various components of a lesson. The user then fills in the appropriate information. Scheduling, Calendars, and Time Management Tools This type of software keeps track of events that the user inputs into the system.

17 + Examples SmartDraw: Concept Mapping Software PlanbookEdu: Lesson Planner

18 + Research and Reference Tools What are they? This software allows the user to electronically look up various topics, places, words and the like.

19 + Examples Online Encyclopedias These are usually available online and contain a wealth of information on various topics. They are easier than the book-version because it is quicker to locate the topic and cross-reference. Digital Atlases and Mapping Tools Students can go online and find almost any location on and outside of Earth, in addition to learning relevant information about the place. Digital Dictionaries Give definitions, pronunciation, examples and synonyms for a word entry.

20 + Examples MapQuest: Mapping Tool

21 + Content-Area Tools What are they? They are various types of software that can offer assistance in a specific content area.

22 + Examples CAD Systems Students can use CAD systems to design houses, cities and the like before making a physiscal model. Microcomputer-based labs Also known as probeware, these devices electronically collect data that would otherwise be quite difficult or time consuming to do by hand. They are directly inserted into a computer or handheld device to which they sent the recorded data. Language Translators These can be used to translate websites, phrases and compositions. Be careful because the technology is still developing and often mistranslates nuances associated with a language.

23 + Examples Webopedia: Online Dictionary Pasco Spark: Microcomputer-based lab

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