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Quia Tier 4 Quarter 2 Week 1. 6/8 Time Signature 6 Beats per measure Eighth note gets the beat.

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Presentation on theme: "Quia Tier 4 Quarter 2 Week 1. 6/8 Time Signature 6 Beats per measure Eighth note gets the beat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quia Tier 4 Quarter 2 Week 1

2 6/8 Time Signature 6 Beats per measure Eighth note gets the beat

3 Note Values in 6/8 1 COUNT = = 2 COUNTS

4 Note Values in 6/8 = = 3 COUNTS 6 COUNTS

5 Write in the counts for the following examples: 6/8 Time Signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 1_2_3_4_5_6

6 6/8 Time Signature 1 2_3 4_5 6 1_2_3_4_5_6

7 6/8 Time Signature 1_2_3_4_5_6 1 2_3 4_5_6

8 6/8 Time Signature 1_2 3 4 5_6 1 2 3 4_5_6

9 Rest Values in 6/8 = 1 count = 2 counts

10 = 3 counts = 6 counts Rest Values in 6/8

11 Rhythm Counting (1) 2 3 (4_5) 6 1_2_3 (4_5_6) 1_2_3 (4_5_6) (1_2_3_4_5_6)

12 Rhythm Counting 1 2 3 (4_5) 6 (1_2_3) 4 5_6

13 Staccato An Italian term that indicates notes should be short and separated Draw a staccato note next to the definition of staccato

14 Legato An Italian term that indicates notes should be played smooth and connected

15 Triad Definition: A chord of three notes, each a third apart

16 Solfege for a Major Triad SOL MI DO

17 Solfege for a Minor Triad MI DO LA

18 Quia Tier 4 Quarter 2 Week 2

19 Flats NAME: Flat Symbol What does a flat do to a note? A flat symbol lowers a note a half step

20 Flats G Move down a HALF STEP from G Gb

21 Order of the Flats BEADGCF There is a certain order that flats get used in… WHAT’S THE ORDER OF THE FLATS?

22 Flat Identification What flats are being used? E G B D F F A C E Bb Eb Ab

23 Flat Identification What flats are being used? Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb Fb

24 Flat Identification What flats are being used? Bb


26 Finding “DO” NO FLATS OR SHARPS Key signature is C LEAR

27 Finding “DO” ONE FLAT Do = F

28 Finding “DO” ONE FLAT F irst F lat

29 Rule for Finding “DO” The second to last flat is the key signature

30 Rule for Finding “DO” 1.Find second to last flat 2.Determine name of the flat 3.Name of flat = DO DO = D-FLAT

31 Finding “DO” TWO FLATS Do = B-flat

32 Finding “DO” THREE FLATS Do = E-flat

33 Finding “DO” FOUR FLATS Do = A-flat

34 Finding “DO” FIVE FLATS Do = D-flat

35 Finding “DO” SIX FLATS Do = G-flat

36 Finding “DO” SEVEN FLATS Do = C-flat

37 Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? E-Flat DO TI DO RE MI

38 Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? F MI RE DO TI DO

39 Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? D-Flat DO TI LA TI DO

40 Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? C-Flat DO MI SOL MI DO

41 Major Definition: A bright or happy sound

42 Minor Definition: A sad or dark sound

43 Relative Minor Definition: A minor key signature that will have the same flats or sharps as the major key signature but will begin on a different note.

44 Finding Relative Minor Step #1: Take your major key signature Key Signature = C

45 Finding Relative Minor Step #2: Go DOWN a THIRD from your major key signature Major Key Signature = C Down a Third C B A 1 2 3 Minor Key Signature = A

46 Finding Relative Minor Step #3: Determine your minor key signature Minor Key Signature = A

47 Finding Relative Minor Major Key Signature = A Major Key Signature = A Down a Third A G# F# 1 2 3 Minor Key Signature = F# Minor Key Signature = f#

48 Finding Relative Minor Major Key Signature = F# Major Key Signature = F# Down a Third F# E D# 1 2 3 Minor Key Signature = D# Minor Key Signature = d#

49 Finding Relative Minor Major Key Signature = Eb Major Key Signature = Eb Down a Third Eb D C 1 2 3 Minor Key Signature = C Minor Key Signature = c

50 Finding Relative Minor Major Key Signature = D Major Key Signature = D Down a Third Eb D C 1 2 3 Minor Key Signature = B Minor Key Signature = b

51 Relative Minor Scales Major Scale Starts on = DO Down a Third Do Ti La 1 2 3 Minor Scale Starts on = LA

52 Relative Minor Scales Major Scale = DO RE MI FA SOL LA TI DO Down a Third to find LA Minor Scale = LA TI DO RE MI FA SOL LA

53 Relative Minor Triads Major Triad = DO MI SOL MI DO Down a Third to find LA Minor Triad = LA DO MI DO LA

54 Quia Tier 4 Quarter 2 Week 3

55 A note whose pitch does not belong to the current key signature. Accidentals are typically marked by flats, sharps, and natural signs. Accidentals

56 Solfege w/ Accidentals Write in the solfege DO RE MI FA SOL LA TI DO

57 Solfege w/ Accidentals DO RE MI FA SOL LATI DO TE LE SEME RA


59 Accidental Solfege DO =TI =TE =LA =LE =SOL = SE =FA =MI =ME =RE =RA =

60 Accidental Solfege DO = CTI =BTE =BbLA =ALE = AbSOL = G SE =GbFA =FMI =EME =EbRE = DRA = Db MI LA DO TE LA SOL ME

61 Accidental Solfege DO =TI =TE =LA =LE =SOL = SE =FA =MI =ME =RE =RA =

62 Accidental Solfege DO = GTI = F#TE =FnatLA =ELE = EbSOL = D SE =DbFA =CMI =BME =BbRE = ARA = Ab DO DO SOL LA ME RA DO

63 Accidental Solfege DO =TI =TE =LA =LE =SOL = SE =FA =MI =ME =RE =RA =

64 Accidental Solfege DO = DTI = C#TE =CnatLA = BLE = BbSOL = A SE =AbFA = GMI =F#ME = Fnat RE = ERA = Eb SOL LE DO TI DO TI LE SOL

65 Quia Tier 4 Quarter 2 Week 4

66 Accent Name of symbol: ACCENT

67 Definition: A symbol that indicates a note should be emphasized more than the other notes Accent Practice drawing accents three times

68 Slur Name of Symbol: SLUR

69 Definition: This symbol indicates that notes should be sang legato smooth and connected) Slur

70 Sharps NAME: Sharp Symbol What does a sharp do to a note? A sharp symbol raises a note a half step

71 Sharps G Move up a HALF STEP from G G#

72 Order of the Sharps FCGDAEB There is a certain order that sharps get used in…

73 Fried Chicken Goes Down Awfully Easy Baby Order of the Sharps

74 Sharp Identification What sharps are being used? F# C# G# D#

75 What sharps are being used? Sharp Identification F# C# G# D# A# E# B#

76 What sharps are being used? Sharp Identification F# C#

77 Finding DO No Flats or Sharps Key Signature is C lear SO DO= C

78 Rule for finding DO Take the last sharp and go up to the next note. This note is DO.

79 1.Identify the last sharp D# 2. What is the note name? D# 3.Move up to the next line/space. 4.What is the note name? E=DO Rule for finding DO

80 Is there a sharp on E? NO Is there a sharp in the key signature name? NO Rule for finding DO

81 Finding DO ONE SHARP Do = G

82 TWO SHARPS Finding DO Do = C

83 THREE SHARPS Finding DO Do = A

84 FOUR SHARPS Finding DO Do = E

85 FIVE SHARPS Finding DO Do = B

86 SIX SHARPS Finding DO Do = F# Why F# and not F?

87 SEVEN SHARPS Finding DO Do =C# Why C# and not C?

88 Sharp Solfege WHAT IS DO? D DO MI SOL LA FA

89 Sharp Solfege WHAT IS DO? E DO MI LA TI SOL

90 Sharp Solfege WHAT IS DO? C# DO LA MI TI SOL

91 Quia Tier 4 Quarter 2 Week 5

92 Interval Note Names: F and C 1 and 5 Interval is: FIFTH

93 Interval Note Names: E and C 1 and 6 Interval is: SIXTH

94 Intervals and Solfege DOREMIFASOL LA TIDO What solfege syllable is a FIFTH above DO? SOL What solfege syllable is a SIXTH above DO? LA CDEFG A BC What letter name is a FIFTH above C? G What letter name is a SIXTH above C? A

95 Intervals on Grand Staff What is the name of this interval? FIFTH

96 Intervals on Grand Staff What is the name of this interval? SIXTH

97 Intervals on Grand Staff What is the name of this interval? FIFTH

98 Interval Identification TRUE OR FALSE: On the word carry, Sopranos are a sixth above the Baritones. TRUE

99 Interval Identification What is the interval between the sopranos and the altos in measure two? FIFTH

100 Interval Identification In the second measure, which voice part is a sixth above the Baritones? ALTO

101 Interval Identification What word do the sopranos sing a fifth above the baritones? FUN

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