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How’s it going class?. Hello! One person at a time say hello and your name! “Hello, my name is ____!”

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Presentation on theme: "How’s it going class?. Hello! One person at a time say hello and your name! “Hello, my name is ____!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 How’s it going class?

2 Hello! One person at a time say hello and your name! “Hello, my name is ____!”

3 Do you know the rules?? 1.Be respectful ( 尊重 )! (mouths closed, eyes open, ears listening) 2.Be on time and prepared ( 将 )! 3. No electronics! 4. Practice English everyday!

4 Do you remember???



7 English sound of the week! [ s ] - Sound - Smile

8 AHHHHH!!!!!! ! Scary Words!

9 SCARY Definition: causing fear

10 Which one is scary? THE BOY? THE FLOWER? THE MAN?

11 Answers! The man is scary. The flower is not scary. The boy is scared.

12 Terrifying Definition: causes extreme fear ( 极度恐惧 )

13 Which cat is terrified? 1. 2.

14 Weird Define: Different, strange ( 奇怪 )

15 Which picture is weird? 1. 2. 3.

16 Which house is weird? 1. 2.2. 3.

17 Spooky Define: something that makes you scared and nervous ( 伈 )

18 Which terrain is spooky? Arctic ? Desert? Swamp?

19 Fear (afraid) Definition: being afraid or scared

20 Who is afraid? 1. 2.2.

21 Panic ( 恐慌 ) Define: to be extremely worried

22 Who is panicked? 1. 2.

23 Let’s read a story! Look for the new words! When you see a new word hold your pen up! Example: “ I read two books yesterday. One was a spooky book!”

24 There was a girl named Yao Yao.

25 She loved to walk.

26 One day she saw a spooky forest.

27 She thought it looked scary but she was curious ( 好奇 ).

28 When she walked into the forest she heard weird noises “Booooooooooo”

29 It was terrifying! She started to panic! “Booooooooooo”

30 She ran away in fear! She thought it was a ghost ( 幽灵 )!

31 But it was not a ghost. It was the wind ( 风 )!

32 Questions 1.Where did Yao Yao go? 2.What was Yao Yao scared of? 3.What did she do when she panicked?

33 Write about a place that scares you. I think a spooky swamp is scary. It is dark ( 黑暗 ) and it makes me feel scared. I’m afraid of the spooky swamp. It’s terrifying!

34 What’s scary to you? Take 1 piece of paper Write your story Give it to Teacher Katie

35 Write! I think the spooky _______is scary. It makes me feel _____ because it’s _______. JUNGLE DESERT FOREST ARCTIC SWAMP

36 Write your English & Chinese names on your story! Give them to me! ENGLISH NAME CHINESE NAME STORY! I think the spooky swamp is scary. It’s terrifying!

37 Review! ( 习 ) Who can tell me the words we learned today? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

38 Let’s go over the words!

39 SCARY Definition: causing fear

40 Terrifying Definition: causes extreme fear ( 极度恐惧 )

41 Weird Define: Different, strange ( 奇怪 )

42 Spooky Define: something that makes you scared and nervous ( 伈 )

43 Fear (afraid) Definition: being afraid or scared

44 Panic Define: ( 恐慌 ) to be extremely worried

45 WORD SCRAMBLE!!! Can you figure out the word???

46 O S K P Y O What’s the word?


48 E F R A What’s the word?

49 FEAR!

50 A S R Y C What’s the word?


52 R T I F N E I R G Y What’s the word?


54 D I W E R What’s the word?


56 A P I C N What’s the word?


58 See You Next Week!

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