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Judicial and First Amendment Supreme CourtJudicial BranchMore Supreme Court Freedom of Religion Freedom of Speech 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Judicial and First Amendment Supreme CourtJudicial BranchMore Supreme Court Freedom of Religion Freedom of Speech 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judicial and First Amendment Supreme CourtJudicial BranchMore Supreme Court Freedom of Religion Freedom of Speech 10 20 30 40 50

2 How many member are there On the Supreme Court? 9

3 The Supreme Court has the power to declare laws and actions unconstitutional, what is the power called? Judicial Review

4 What is the term of office for a Supreme Court justice? Life

5 How do Supreme Court Justices get their job? Appointed by the president and confirmed by a majority vote of the senate

6 What can Supreme Court Justices be impeached for? Treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors

7 Federal appeals court that is a step below the Supreme Court are called? Circuit courts

8 How many justices must want to hear a case for that case to make it to the Supreme Court? Four (called rule of 4)

9 Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? John Roberts

10 What do we call a court case that sets a standard for future similar cases? Precedents

11 What is the role of the Supreme Court in our political system? To protect and interpret the Constitution

12 How many Supreme Court justices does it take to decide a case? A majority (5)

13 What do we call the written opinion of the winning judges? Majority Opinion

14 What do we call the written opinion of the losing judges? Dissenting opinion

15 What do we call an opinion that agrees with another opinion but for a different reason? Concurring opinion

16 How many cases per year does the Supreme Court typically hear? 100-150

17 Which clause of the First Amendment gives us our separation of church and state? Establishment Clause

18 Which clause of the 1 st Amend. allows us to believe whatever we want but we can’t always act out those beliefs? Free Exercise Clause

19 Which clause would the following be a violation of? A public school make all students say a prayer before class begins Establishment clause

20 Which clause would the be a violation of? A state capital allows only religious groups to put up displays during December. Establishment Clause

21 Which clause would the following be a violation of? A law forbids a person from going to church on Sunday Free Exercise Clause

22 A place traditionally used for Free speech is called what? Public Forum

23 What are the two types of speech? Pure speech and symbolic speech

24 What CAN the government regulate in A public forum? Time, place and manner.

25 What CAN’T the government regulate In a public forum? Content

26 What theory states that we allow all speech, even offensive speech, and we fight speech with more speech? Marketplace of ideas theory

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