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Considerations & Technology-based Solutions. Agenda for this Morning Consider OIP & RtI Connection to Assessment Connection to Research-based Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Considerations & Technology-based Solutions. Agenda for this Morning Consider OIP & RtI Connection to Assessment Connection to Research-based Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Considerations & Technology-based Solutions

2 Agenda for this Morning Consider OIP & RtI Connection to Assessment Connection to Research-based Strategies Tiers and Technology Structuring technology considerations Technology-based solutions

3 Who am I? Associate Professor Middle/Secondary Teacher Father of Four Who are you?




7 Stage 2 Research Based Strategies Assessment Data Teams Instructional Practice

8 National Conversation - RtI RtI stands for? There are _____ tiers? Three critical features of RtI include: 1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___

9 Three Models (Uses) of RTI Prediction & Prevention prediction of at-risk students and preventing students from falling behind Remediation intervention for students with academic or behavioral difficulties Disability Assessment an intensive intervention test that is one component in the SLD determination process

10 Critical Elements of RtI Implementation of a differentiated curriculum with different instructional methods Two or more tiers of increasingly intense, scientific, research-based interventions

11 Critical Elements of RtI Individual problem-solving model or standardized intervention protocol for intervention tiers (possibly in combination) Progress monitoring to assess entire class progress and individual student progress Explicit decision rules for assessing learners’ progress (e.g., level and/or rate)

12 What Does RtI Implementation Look Like? Students receive high-quality, research-based instruction by qualified staff in their general education setting (primary intervention) General education instructors and staff assume an active role in students’ assessment in that curriculum School staff conduct universal screening of (a) academics and (b) behavior (> 1/yr) School staff implement specific, research-based interventions to address the students’ difficulties

13 Core of OIP & RtI Please list three research-based practices that you your staff uses across the course of a week? Describe it? How do you know it is evidence-based?

14 Implications - Needs Literacy Mathematics Behavior

15 What we Know


17 The Performance Gap Years in School Demands Skills and The “Gap” 2013-2014 5 the 9 the 1Yr 2Yrs 1 1/2Yrs 2 1/2Yrs

18 What is Available to Us? Research-based Interventions Evaluating Product/Curriculum/I nstructional Resources Assessment Tools

19 Research on the Web Best Evidence Encyclopedia (B.E.E.) This website offers reliable, unbiased information on high-quality evaluations of educational programs.

20 Oregon’s Big Ideas Big Ideas in Beginning Reading Focuses on BIG IDEAS of early literacy: phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, fluency with text, vocabulary, and comprehension.

21 Fl Center for Reading Research

22 FCRR Key Type of Program 1 = Core Reading Program 2 = Supplemental or Intervention Program 3 = Technology-Based Program 4 = Program that may be implemented by a tutor or mentor 5 = Intervention or Remedial Program for students above third grade Reading Component PA = Phonemic Awareness P = Phonics F = Fluency V=Vocabulary C = Comprehension + = some aspects of this component taught and/or practiced ++ = most aspects +++ = all aspects n/a = not addressed

23 What We Know National Institute for Literacy - The National Institute for Literacy, a federal agency, provides leadership on literacy issues, including the improvement of reading instruction for children, youth, and adults.

24 What We Know - WWC What Works Clearinghouse Institute of Education Science’s Database sharing what we know about related research specific to standards and the research arm of NCLB.

25 Doing What Works – IES & WWC Practice Summaries Overview & Issues it Addresses Learn What Works Understand the research behind the practice See How it Works Schools engaged in the practice Do What Works Use examples of tools

26 Center on Instruction Provides Links and Downloads for: Scientifically Based Research Reading Math Science Special Education English Language Learners

27 RtI Action Network A program of the National Center for Learning Disabilities Offers a guide educators and families in the large-scale implementation of RtI Access research reports How to tips Temperature of what is happening in the field

28 National Center on RtI Technical assistance to states and districts and building the capacity of states to assist districts in implementing proven models for RTI. Reports Products for consideration Evidence-based practices for High School Considerations for implementation

29 Progress Monitoring National Center on Progress Monitoring Tools for comparison Tools for understanding ways to complete Resources for application Organized for portal entrance/use by Teacher Family Administrator

30 20+ Reports on Adolescent Literacy 20+ Reports on Adolescent Literacy


32 RtI - Tutorials Professional Development for Teachers/Administrators/Para educators/Parents The IRIS Center RtI - An Overview RtI - Assessment RtI - Reading Instruction RtI - Putting it All Together

33 Special Connections Modules for Educators Curriculum Based Measurement Instructional Practices Positive Behavioral Supports Functional Behavior Assessments Professional Collaboration

34 What We Know KU’s Center for Research on Learning Strategic Instruction Model

35 What We Know Resources - Application Tomorrow The Literacy Web Reading Rockets Intervention Central Reading is Fundamental

36 UDL Framework for Consideration

37 When I say AT you say? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


39 Principle One Supporting Recognition Learning Provide multiple examples Highlight critical features Provide multiple media formats Support background contexts

40 Some Examples Reading Setting an Anchor Representing Material

41 Principle Two Support Strategic Learning Provide flexible models of skilled performance Provide opportunities to practice with supports Provide ongoing, relevant feedback Offer flexible opportunities for demonstrating skill

42 Some Examples Practice Skill demonstration Microsoft’s PPT - Star Wars Inspire Data Apple’s - iMovie Microsoft’s Movie Maker PhotoStory

43 Principle Three Support Affective Learning - Provide alternative means for engagement Offer choices of content and tools Offer adjustable levels of challenge Offer choices of rewards Offer choices of learning context

44 Some Examples Software Products - Adjustable levels Type to Learn Learning context Hands on Connect to previous understanding Choice of Rewards What makes you tick?

45 UDL Toolkit

46 Bringing UDL to Life

47 Text-to-Speech Applications Free text-to-speech software Customize font and background color Reads text via Windows clipboard from any program (copy/paste) Reads e-mail emoticons such as :) or :( Adjustable voice speed (rate) Low vision color option

48 Text-to-Speech NaturalReader is a Text to Speech software with natural sounding voices. This easy to use software can convert any written text such as MS Word, Webpage, PDF files, and Emails into spoken words. NaturalReader can also convert any written text into audio files such as MP3 or WAV for your CD player or iPod.

49 Scan and Reading Systems WYNN Kurzweil 3000

50 Text-to-Speech Products Premier Accessibility Suite Text-to-speech software Audio output - multiple voices Highlights text as it speaks Static Toolbar Texthelp - Read and Write Gold Text-to-speech software Audio output - multiple voices Highlights text as it speaks Reads on fly for any application

51 Text-to-Speech - Becoming Universal Firefox’s Text-to Speech Click Speak Bundle Does the Trick Acrobat Reader - Free Version

52 Digital Text - Web Resources Montgomery County Public Schools - MD High-Incidence Accessible Technologies (HIAT) Created a number of resources for their teachers and a wonderful website for digital text resources /hiat/resources/digital_text.shtm

53 Digitized Text BookShare - 33,450 books and 150 periodicals that are converted to Braille, large print or text to speech audio files. New $32 million dollar grant from US Department of Education to enhance access to books in a digital DAISY Format. Gutenberg Project - over 20,000 titles Free books to download Text-based for computer and hand held devices Increasingly digitized audio books for MP3 Players

54 Thinking Reader - Your students will: Apply reading strategies to improve understanding and fluency Read and interpret a variety of literary works Understand and acquire new vocabulary Monitor their own comprehension and make modifications when understanding breaks down Answer different types and levels of questions such as open-ended, literal, and interpretative as well as test-like questions such as multiple choice and short answer Paraphrase and summarize text to recall, inform, or organize ideas Describe mental images that text descriptions evoke

55 Read 180 - Read 180 Whole Group Direct Instruction Small Group Direct Instruction Read 180 Software Interaction Modeling and Independent Reading Whole Group Wrap-Up Built-In Progress Monitoring

56 Start-to-Finish Start-to-Finish Series - Literacy Starters - vocab and decoding Library - background knowledge Core Content - comprehension

57 WordMaker & Simon Sounds it Out

58 Podcasting, Audio Books, & More - Oh My! Student demonstrate knowledge Information on the go Multiple means for representation Narrated Book series


60 Graphic Organizers Kidspiration/Inspiration

61 Graphic Organizers


63 Graphic organizers & Digital mapping tools GIST is designed from the ground up for use in classrooms incorporating the Content Enhancement Routines. Developed with the KU-CRL, GIST offers a robust tool set for educators to create and present CE devices with diverse learners, teaching critical content to all.

64 Literacy Considerations - Resources Book Builder Create a book Share Books Student’s Demonstrate knowledge

65 Additional Resources to Consider for Literacy Building

66 Literacy Considerations - Resources Kerpoof Make a Movie Make a Photo Animoto Make a Movie Interactive experience Audio Video Demonstration

67 Literacy Considerations - Resources Discovery Learning Anchor the Learning Videos Audio Writing Center Links to Standards

68 Literacy Considerations - Resources Read, Write, Think Lessons Student Interactive Resources Web Resources for Literacy Thinkfinity Manages the Literacy Network Manages Marco Polo

69 Thank You Questions Contact Information -

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