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Noninvasive radiofrequency field destruction of pancreatic adenocarcinoma xenografts treated with targeted gold nanoparticles.

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2 Noninvasive radiofrequency field destruction of pancreatic adenocarcinoma xenografts treated with targeted gold nanoparticles

3  Inspiration Urgent need for effective cancer treatments Current cancer treatments result in acute and chronic side effects  Obstacle Destroy cancer cells without harming surrounding healthy cells  Why pancreatic carcinoma? Deadly cancer killing 95% of diagnosed patients No current effective treatment

4  The Research Inserting Gold nanoparticles in human pancreatic cancer cells  Antibodies are specific to cancer, only allowing Gold nanoparticles to enter cancerous cells  Gold has minimal human side effects Exposing mice to radio frequency (RF) radiation  Gold nanoparticles heat when with RF exposure  Increases cellular temperature only in cells containing particles  RF radiation is safe on human tissue

5  Pancreatic cancer cells were destroyed!  Noninvasive Surrounding cells, tissues, & organs were left unharmed No behavioral changes No unexplained death

6  Promising effective treatment for pancreatic cancer  Elimination of adverse side effects to cancer treatment  Noninvasive solution to curing ALL types of cancer  Save countless human lives!

7  Glazer, E. S., Zhu, C., Massey, K. L. (2010). Noninvasive Radiofrequency Field Destruction of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Xenografts Treated with Targeted Gold Nanoparticles. C linical Cancer Research, 16, 5712- 5721. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-10- 2055

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