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Overview of Sun-Earth Connections Fundamental Ideas from SEC Why Should Teachers Care? The sunspots are coming, the sunspots are coming….Solar Maximum.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Sun-Earth Connections Fundamental Ideas from SEC Why Should Teachers Care? The sunspots are coming, the sunspots are coming….Solar Maximum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Sun-Earth Connections Fundamental Ideas from SEC Why Should Teachers Care? The sunspots are coming, the sunspots are coming….Solar Maximum is Here!

2 Fundamental Concepts from SEC The Sun is dynamic We live in the atmosphere of the Sun Earth responds to the changing sun -- that response is known as space weather Scientists study the Sun-Earth Connection using data from spacecraft, ground stations, supercomputers, and rocket experiments

3 The Sun is dynamic, not constant Our Sun is a big, hot, massive star It has cycles -- sunspots, fast and slow solar wind, magnetic field reversals, irradiance -- time scales from seconds to a million years Quiet features -- solar wind, rotation, emitting different radiations/wavelengths It has the astrophysical equivalent of storms and weather -- CMEs, flares, prominences, filaments, radio bursts

4 We live in the atmosphere of the Sun Space is not a vacuum - filled by dynamic, blustery solar wind extending far beyond the planets Interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field produces a cavity around Earth -- the magnetosphere Solar wind/system carves a place in the galaxy/interplanetary space

5 Earth responds to the changing sun That response is known as space weather Space (particularly around Earth) is a tough place to live and work Effects of SEC activity are visible at Earth - - aurora and airglow are examples Space weather effects our systems and society, principally technology

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