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Big Picture This semester we work on connecting STEP-L model and L-thia model; if time permits we also troubleshoot LDC model. STEP-L

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Presentation on theme: "Big Picture This semester we work on connecting STEP-L model and L-thia model; if time permits we also troubleshoot LDC model. STEP-L"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Picture This semester we work on connecting STEP-L model and L-thia model; if time permits we also troubleshoot LDC model. STEP-L L-thia LDC

2 LTHIA L-THIA LDC Load Duration Curve Query water flow and water quality data from external DBs STEP-L Load targets Watershed Characteristics County for Soil data County for rainfall Local DB Geoserver PostGIS Advises BMPs To Do – connect STEP-L to new maps This semester we work on connecting STEP-L model and L-thia model; if time permits we also troubleshoot LDC model. STEP-L L-thia LDC

3 Lthia server model This is the server version of LTHIA

4 Creates table for analysis area User has run delineation

5 Add button to launch populated STEP-L model (done) After delineation of area user is offered a set of tools to run

6 Watershed results Already populates one model This connects to a script on templeton that populates a web model – same as we will do for STEPL

7 Average annual runoff This could be used to populate tables in STEPL also; maybe a second button, or run LTHIA silently from first button in order to get NPS data. We need to look at the science first.

8 Issues to address with STEP -L June 2014

9 Add text describing how different from EPA

10 Can we improve on this map using GeoServer

11 Security issues

12 Default is **station off and there is no obvious way to turn on the stations, default ought to be stations on I think

13 User selects county data, I would like to automate this, after user selects precipitation then we know location.








21 Mandatory values NEEDS ERROR TRAP!

22 Use cligen county? Or reverse and use county for cligen

23 Should be inflation rate? Or one minus other

24 What is MPA?

25 Error trap this, it must be entered

26 Is this dollars per acre treated? Or per acre for whole watershed? Or ?

27 Now what to do? – I want a report and a way to re-run.

28 I clicked back and then next and my results were re-done without optimize or targeting, need to prevent this from happening ADD HOME


30 What is going on, when I click in table I get this popup that does nothing Explain “effective BMP area” as applied or average over whole area?

31 Set – update, why does the page not go away? Something on this page needs to be error trapped


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