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Staying Active Zach Sbordone For the elderly. Why should people exercise?...  Improves overall health and well being  Enhances mood  Prevents or delays.

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Presentation on theme: "Staying Active Zach Sbordone For the elderly. Why should people exercise?...  Improves overall health and well being  Enhances mood  Prevents or delays."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staying Active Zach Sbordone For the elderly

2 Why should people exercise?...  Improves overall health and well being  Enhances mood  Prevents or delays disease  Inactivity increases negative risk factors

3 IT BENEFITS US ALL  Exercise shows benefits in men and women of all ages and ethnicities

4 In later years of life…  Most of the body’s functions start to diminish  More risk factors come into play

5 But exercise can help !

6 Benefits for the elderly…  Prevent or delays the onset of disease  Helps people with high blood pressure  Improves balance  Improves motor function  Improves heart health

7 Benefits for the elderly(cont.)  Increases mobility  Increases flexibility  Improves sleep  Enhances brain health  Boosts self confidence

8 Benefits for the elderly(cont.)  Improves power  Improves speed and reaction time, which can help prevent falls/injuruies

9 So why don’t they exercise? Myth… “I’m too old to start exercising. It’s too late.” “At my age, exercise might just hurt me.” “I’m intimidated by all the younger people exercising.” Fact… Exercise provides benefits for people of all ages. With proper methods, exercise can only help. Most younger people are willing to educate others on the benefits of exercise.

10 So why don’t they exercise(cont.) Myth… “Exercising at my age is pointless.” “Exercise isn’t safe for older people.” Fact… Many health-related issues can be reversed or prevented with exercise. Exercise is safe and effective with proper instruction.

11 They need to know the truth

12 What should they be doing?  Light strength training  Stretching  Low-intensity cardiovascular training

13 Strength Training  Improves joint health  Reduces risk of obesity, back pain, arthritis, diabetes, and osteoporosis  Improves balance

14 Strength Training(methods)  Warm Up about 5 minutes  Body-weight exercises  Light resistance training  Cooldown

15 Stretching  Improves flexibility and balance  Especially beneficial to the older population  Helps prevent injury

16 Stretching(methods)  Stretch out all major muscle groups before/after exercise  Hold for long enough to get benefits  Breathe through the stretch

17 Cardiovascular Training  Improved hearth health  Reduces risk of cardiovascular issues  Improves respiratory function  Promotes weight loss

18 Cardiovascular Training(methods)  Warm Up  Exercise for about 20-30 minutes  Keep intensity at a low-moderate level

19 Keep at it and you will see results!  Find something that motivates you on a personal level  Push yourself to stay dedicated with an exercise program  Results will come with time and hard work, guaranteed!


21 References:  Nihseniorhealth.go v Nihseniorhealth.go v  

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