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Classroom Update SIGNED progress reports DUE BY WED at latest – along with any missing assignment. We will re-organize binders and share ANIMOTOS on Wed.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Update SIGNED progress reports DUE BY WED at latest – along with any missing assignment. We will re-organize binders and share ANIMOTOS on Wed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Update SIGNED progress reports DUE BY WED at latest – along with any missing assignment. We will re-organize binders and share ANIMOTOS on Wed. Science In the News Current Event DUE BY APRIL 10 th MUST have current article – within last 6 months MUST include article with WS Will be collecting DRY LAB on Thursday – Not HW; working in class 2+ days

2 Using the Scientific Method

3 PHOTOSYNTHESIS "DRY LAB" In this exercise you will be working backwards. In a normal lab situation you would be given a procedure to follow and observations to make. In this lab, however, you will be given a set of observations and asked to reconstruct the procedures that could have generated these data. You will also be given a set of facts that you will use to explain the observations. As you work, remember the requirements for a valid experiment. Review the Scientific Method if you need to. Good luck.



6 TASKS Complete the following tasks on a separate sheet of paper: Write out lab procedures, which could have generated these data. You may assume that you have access to as many test tubes, snails, elodea plants, light sources, and dark places and as much pond water and BTB as you need or want. Explain each of the 4 observations given with a separate statement. Write down three questions you have concerning anything you think might be missing or incomplete about the information in this worksheet.

7 Scientific Method Review 6 th Hypothesis – an educated prediction about outcome of test or experiment

8 Scientific Method Review 7 th Problem or Question – found by observations Research – background information; all variables Hypothesis – an educated PREDICTION; has to be testable Experiment – Materials – needed to carry out experiment Procedures – Steps to follow to test hypothesis Data – observations – qualitative (adjectives); quantitative (#’s) Analyze Data – does it prove or disprove hypothesis Communicate results - share

9 Scientific Method Review 4 th Question or Problem – based on observations Research – to gain background knowledge; what are the variables Hypothesis – an educated PREDICTION; Materials – what is needed Procedures – what steps to follow Data – qualitative (adjectives) or quantitative (#’s) Conclusion – analyze data Communicate – share results

10 Scientific Method Review 2 nd Question or Problem Research – background information Hypothesis – an educated PREDICTION; cause-effect; testable Materials Procedures – controlled experiment Collect Data – Qualitative (adjectives) or Quantitative (#) Conclusion - Analyze results Communicate - Share results

11 Scientific Method Review 1 st Question Research Hypothesis – An Educated PREDICTION; has to be testable Materials needed Procedures – steps to follow to TEST hypothesis Observations – Qualitative Data (adjectives); Quantatative Data (numbers) Conclusion – how does data support/prove or not support/disprove hypothesis Communicate – share results

12 Materials &Procedures: Snail Test tubes Elodea BTB Water Light & dark spaces Test tube rack 1.Gather all materials 2.Set all test tubes in rack 3.Fill all TTs with __ mL of water and ___ mL BTB 4.Take 1 group of 10 TT and mark them CONTROL 5.Take 2 nd group of 10 TT and mark them Experimental 1. Add 1 snail to each 6.Take 3 rd group of 10 TT and mark them EXP 2. Add 1 elodea to each

13 Materials &Procedures: Snails Elodea Test Tubes BTB Water Light source Test tube rack 1.Place # TT in TT rack 2.Fill each with ##mL water and ##mL of BTB 3.Leave 1 group of TT alone 4.In group 2 put 1 snail into each TT 5.In group 3 put 1 elodea into each TT 6.In group 4


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