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1. auspicious Adj.  Promising conditions, likely to succeed.  We have an auspicious opportunity to will our ball game.

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Presentation on theme: "1. auspicious Adj.  Promising conditions, likely to succeed.  We have an auspicious opportunity to will our ball game."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. auspicious Adj.  Promising conditions, likely to succeed.  We have an auspicious opportunity to will our ball game.

2 2. Austere Adj.  Plain, without luxury  We decided to have austere decorations for prom so we could have more money to give the Quarters and Cans fund.

3 3. Capacious Adj.  Large, roomy, big enough to contain a large quantity  With our capacious gym, we are able to hold the state drill team competitions.

4 4. Circumscribe V.  Define limits, confine, restrict  The school board decided to circumscribe the amount of students who can qualify to run for student body office.

5 5. Coalesce V.  Unite, grow together  At the end of the long and grueling practice, the team members were finally able to coalesce together and not bicker with each other.

6 6. Defame V.  To harm somebody’s reputation  Do not defame your friends just because they do something that you don’t like.

7 7. Discourse N.  Serious discussion about something  Because of the discourse on dating practices in the FAC class, several students were able to use the information to help them get a date.

8 8. Enervate V.  To weaken somebody’s physical, mental, or moral vitality  Do not let anyone enervate your excitement for leaning.

9 9. Extraneous Adj.  Unnecessary, irrelevant  If you get rid of the extraneous fluff in this essay, it will be more effective and reliable.

10 10. Furtive Adj.  Secretive, sneaky  Using a furtive glance at his neighbor’s test, John thought he could get away with cheating, but the teacher still noticed.

11 11. Hamper V.  To hinder or get in the way of progress  Sometimes our learning is hampered by noisy students in the class.

12 12. Idolatry N.  The worship of idols or false gods  The Bible mentions the practice of idolatry in many different civilizations.

13 13. Impudence N.  Rudeness, disrespect  The judge would not allow any impudence from the defendants in his courtroom.

14 14. Inane Adj.  Silly, stupid  His inane idea to jump over the fence to retrieve his kite only caused Bryson to fall and break his arm in the process.

15 15. Incredulous Adj.  Unable or unwilling to believe something  Kirk’s incredulous journey down the rapid waters of the Colorado River was the lead story on the evening news.

16 Vocab Practice for Chapter 11  Find a picture from the Internet that conveys the meaning of the words and explain why. Idolatry—a golden cow was used as an idol to worship.

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