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PHC Care Experience Strategy Update Expanded Leadership Forum Candy Garossino, Director of Professional Practice in Nursing Sara Charlton, Practice Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "PHC Care Experience Strategy Update Expanded Leadership Forum Candy Garossino, Director of Professional Practice in Nursing Sara Charlton, Practice Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHC Care Experience Strategy Update Expanded Leadership Forum Candy Garossino, Director of Professional Practice in Nursing Sara Charlton, Practice Consultant June 14 th, 2013

2 2 Content Purpose of Presentation Strategy Aim, Objectives and Drivers Key Accomplishments: Structures, Roles and Processes for Deployment Measurement Status Update

3 3 Purpose of Presentation Care Experience Strategy status update Support structures, roles and processes Highlight linkages between organizational and program level work

4 4 The Providence Plan

5 5

6 Strategy Aim, Objectives and Drivers

7 7 Care Experience Strategy Aim Patients, residents and families will experience culturally safe, socially just, person and family centred care across Providence Health Care.

8 8 Definition Person and family centred care is an approach to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships among healthcare providers, the people we serve and their families. It is founded on the understanding that the family plays a vital role in ensuring the health and well being of people of all ages. In person centred care, the people we serve define their family and determine how they will participate in their care and decision making.

9 9 4 Core Concepts of Person-and Family-Centred Care Dignity & Respect Information Sharing Participation Collaboration

10 10 Care Experience Strategy Driver Diagram

11 11 Respect & Dignity

12 12 Participation

13 13 Collaboration

14 14 Information Sharing

15 Structures, Roles and Processes for Deployment

16 16 Structures, Roles and Processes Senior Leadership Team PHC Quality, Patient Safety & Clinical Risk Management Committee Care Experience Advisory Committee Project specific working groups

17 17 Strategy Deployment Project specific Care Experience Advisory Committee >Membership involves key leaders PHC Quality, Patient Safety & Clinical Risk Management Committee

18 Status Update

19 19 Care Advisors Patient or Family volunteers >Members of working groups, committees, councils, projects etc. Intake and orientation Recruitment Care Experience Begins

20 20 Care Advisors by Area

21 21 Care Advisors on your project

22 22 Code H Safety net system for patients >Activated by patients and or family members 3 month pilot project 7CD

23 23 Visitation Policy Timeline Goals Definition

24 24

25 25 August 2014 IPFCC Conference Submit an abstract in any of these areas: Leadership Patient and family advisors Changing the concept of families as visitors Partnering across settings and the continuum of care Adressing health disparities Education for interprofessional and collaborative practice Communicating in an electronic age Facility design and planning Research methods and approaches Role of government and voluntary agencies and funders

26 Measurement

27 27 Measurement Project level Strategy level

28 28 Information on the Care Experience Visit the Care Experience page on the Strategic Plan site: > > Strategic Plan > Strategic Directions > Care Experience > Driver Diagram >Care Experience Q&A >Care Experience Strategic Direction Poster >ELF Presentation

29 Questions?

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