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Factors Influencing Your Health Environment Where you live Available Health Care Family Friends School Attitudes & Behavior (Feelings & Beliefs) Heredity.

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Presentation on theme: "Factors Influencing Your Health Environment Where you live Available Health Care Family Friends School Attitudes & Behavior (Feelings & Beliefs) Heredity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors Influencing Your Health Environment Where you live Available Health Care Family Friends School Attitudes & Behavior (Feelings & Beliefs) Heredity A factor you cannot control

2 Lifestyle/Behavior Wellness Premature Death Disability Lack of Energy Minor Aches And pains Moderate Level of Energy High Level Of Energy Exercising & Eating Healthy Sedentary Lifestyle combined with unhealthy eating, alcohol, tobacco & other drugs.

3 Risks Trying a new sport Trying out for the school play Taking on a new job Asking a person out on date Crossing the street Going on a roller coaster Talent show Smoking Alcohol Drugs An unreasonable risk is the possibility that may cause injury to you or others. Are all Risks bad? Taking Precautions: A precaution is a planned action taken before an event to increase the chance of a safe outcome. ReasonableUnreasonable

4 Life Skills Access valid health care Practice healthful behaviors Manage Stress Analyze what influences your health Use communication skills Use resistance skills Resolve conflicts Set Health Goals Make Responsible decisions Be a health advocate

5 THE WAY YOU FEEL, THINK, AND ACT. A person’s unique blend of physical, mental, social, and emotional traits.

6 What impact do your decisions have on you? Honest Fair Respectful Responsible Caring Citizenship Rude? Obnoxious? Dishonest? Disrespectful ? Ignorant? Selfish? What type of image are you creating based on your decisions?


8 What is a Goal? A goal is something you aim for. Shoot for the stars!

9 Goals are important to your self-esteem Self-esteem: is the way you feel about yourself.

10 Make sure your goal is attainable & reasonable KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE!

11 Typically are harder to reach and require more effort. Short term goals can be used as stepping stones to help you reach your long term goal.

12 Using Short term goals to meet your Long Term Goal. A on a QuizA on a TestA in Health Run a ½ mileRun 1 mileRun a 5K race Say Hi to people you see. Start a conversation with someone you like. Create new friendships.

13 Goal: Run a Marathon How far do I have to run? 26.2 Miles How many miles a week am I running now? 20-25 When is the Marathon: 4 months away What do I need to do to get ready? Train How else can I prepare: Read a book, check with other people who have already run a marathon. Plan a training schedule: Weekly schedule with an increase in mileage building up to race day.

14 1.Set a goal, what do you want to do or change about your life. 2.List short term goals(check points) that will lead to your desired goal. 3.Plan a timetable. (When is the deadline, when are your check points?) 4.What can you do to meet those short term goals? What resources do you have to help you meet your goals? Books, coaches, 5.How can you assess your progress? How do you know if you reached your goal? 6.What is the real reward?

15 What to wear? What to eat? What sports to play? What instrument to play? Who to call? Who to hang out with? What time to go to bed? What to watch on TV? Who to vote for in student council? Should I participate in JRFH? Should I study? Did I do my homework? Was I nice? Was I mean?

16 6 th Grade Issues Peer Pressure Getting to class on time. Coming prepared. Doing homework. Walking through Wayne. Rumors Sports teams Relationships Bullying Making new friends. Family life


18 Decision Making Process Identify the situation Constantly late for class Identify your options Be late & suffer the consequences. Organize your locker and schedule so you are better prepared to be on time. Ask yourself these questions Is it Healthy? Is it safe? Is it legal? Consider your values: Are the beliefs and ideas that are important to you and your family agree with your decision?

19 Decision Making model continued Make a choice Stand by your decision and be ready to accept the benefits of your decision or the consequences. Analyze your decision Did it result in a healthy action and how did it affect myself and others. You may learn that your decision was the right one or you may choose to act differently.

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