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Part B Marriage. Listening task1: A New York story  You’re walking down the street. You see a very attractive person. You would like to get this person’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Part B Marriage. Listening task1: A New York story  You’re walking down the street. You see a very attractive person. You would like to get this person’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part B Marriage

2 Listening task1: A New York story  You’re walking down the street. You see a very attractive person. You would like to get this person’s attention—to meet him or her. What are some things that people typically say or do to get the attention of an attractive stranger?

3 briefcase somersault n. vi. 翻筋斗 dime : coin parking meter 汽车停放收费表 Cadillac convertible 卡迪拉克 折蓬汽车

4 Getting Main Ideas You are going to hear a famous American storyteller, Garrison Keillor, tell about an experience on a New York City street. What did the man do? Why? What did the woman do? Why?

5 Our “true testimony” of International Internet match- making Pre-listening  In China, how do people meet someone to marry? (Where? In what situations?) How did people find spouses in the past — fifty or a hundred years ago? Were the customs different from today?  Would you date someone online? Why or why not?

6 Guess from the title Title: Our “true testimony” of International Internet match- making 1. What is the speaker going to say? 2. Are the people in the talk from the same country or from different countries? 3. How did they meet each other?

7 The monologue 1) First listen. Answer the following questions: a. How did the relationship end? In marriage? Broken up? b. Where do they live now? In the man ’ country? In the woman ’ s country?

8 Second listening Second listening :  What countries are the two persons from?  How long after they chatted on the Internet did they meet in person?  What did he do on her birthday?  How did the girl’s co-workers feel about their relationship?  What happened in December 2000?

9 Listening task 3: I want a wife First listening Listen to the passage and answer the following questions: Who is the speaker, male or female? Why does the speaker want a wife? What tone do you think the speaker has?

10 Second listening Listen again and answer the following questions: What does a married man want his wife to do for him? What does a married man want his wife to do for his children?

11 Movie appreciation: Wedding ceremony Typical Wedding Ceremony 1. First wedding 2. Second wedding 3. Third wedding

12 Bride/groom Matron of honor/the best man 伴娘 / 伴郎 Flower girl 花童 Escort: accompany sb. 护送 Aisle: 走道 lift the veil

13 The Marriage Vow “ I, _______, take you _______ to be my wedded/lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish and honour, until we are parted by death, as God is my witness, I give you my promise.”

14 Matchmaking After-listening activities (2) Matchmaking Divide the whole class into Group As and Group Bs; Group As will imagine 4 female characters as specific as possible; group Bs will imagine 4 male characters; Exchange your characters and do the match- making. (You may have different ways to match them)

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