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The Scientific Revolution When science challenged the religious dogma with empirical evidence.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Revolution When science challenged the religious dogma with empirical evidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Revolution When science challenged the religious dogma with empirical evidence

2 The Physical World Mathematics the language Experiment the proof Preponderance of the evidence sets theory New evidence can bring a new theory Philosophy the language Authority the proof Logical proofs set the truth What is true is always true NEW OLD

3 Vesalius (1514-1564) The first scientist of the Scientific Revolution Showed by actual dissections of cadavers that a lot of what was believed about the human body was wrong He endured harsh criticism from conservatives

4 Next Area of Investigation The nature of the universe—the cosmos Accepted thought from Aristotle through Ptolemy to the astronomers of the time was that the earth was still and everything else revolved around it Ordinary observation seems to bear this out But ….

5 Copernican Model Heliocentric Universe Problem: How do you explain why the planets appear to wander in the stars?

6 Ptolemaic System Based on Aristotle’s ideas (384-322 BCE) Ptolemy was a Greek scientist in Egypt about 150 Earth was the center

7 Clear Globes Contained Objects These globes revolved producing what we see from earth Problems were explained by the use of complicated epicycles All that is was contained in here

8 Copernicus (1473-1543) Polish Catholic Church official (Canon) Sought a simpler and mathematical alternative The earth revolved around the sun Concepts spread after his death

9 Tycho Brahe Was Copernicus Right?

10 Brahe Used Precise Observations and Records of Heavenly Bodies

11 Brahe Uses Parallax to Measure Distance from the Stars

12 The Far Distance Factor

13 Only Two Possibilities The stars were extremely far away or The earth was motionless at the center of the universe Which did he choose?

14 What about the Nose Issue He lost a piece of his nose in a duel over who was the greatest mathematician. He replaced the missing area with a gold and silver replacement which he oiled a lot.

15 Goodbye Tycho A new king required him to go to Prague. He acquired a new assistant, Johannes Kepler, in Prague. He attended a banquet at which he drank a lot. He felt it impolite to “relieve himself” until the king went first. He got a urinary infection. He died shortly after…

16 So Why Does the Church Weigh In on This Scientific Debate? Can’t allow Christians to learn about things that will hurt their faith or are untrue Church is the keeper of the Truth Truth is in agreement with the Bible and the ancient authorities Truth can be demonstrated with logic Science that supports faith is true AND….

17 Galileo (1564-1642)

18 Galileo Experimented Refined the new telescope technology Tested Copernicus against Ptolemy Discovered a few problems with Ptolemy

19 Galileo’s Telescope

20 Ptolemy Taught Galileo Found Objects outside of earth were perfect All orbits and cycles revolved around earth The sun is perfect Saturn is also perfect (round) The moon had mountains like earth There were moons going around Jupiter The sun has “spots” Saturn is not round


22 Galileo Made Enemies He used his sharp mind to trip up the older scientists and scholars He attracted the young scholars to him He published a book showing himself to be wise and his opponents as fools They plotted to get him for his effrontery

23 It Was during the Catholic Reformation The Inquisition hunted down those who were thought to be against the faith and put them to horrible deaths The list of banned books, the Index, could keep works from being read Better be careful!

24 The Trial Galileo’s enemies brought him to trial for publishing and teaching things that were contrary to the true faith Galileo had to answer the charges The Pope was friendly to Galileo The trial was held on whether Galileo’s science was valid AND whether it was consistent with God’s Truth

25 The Trial

26 The Verdict Galileo could only show that a number of experiments showed problems with the Ptolemaic version He could not show through logic that he was right He was found guilty and sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life—even though he recanted all that he had taught

27 The Verdict: Continued "it was decided at the Holy Congregation…on 25 Feb 1616 that…the Holy Office would give you [Galileo] an injunction to abandon this doctrine, not to teach it to others, not to defend it, and not to treat of it; and that if you did not acquiesce in this injunction, you should be imprisoned". 1 Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10, Psalm 104:5, Ecclesiastes 1:5 (scriptures on which the Church’s theories were based)ChroniclesPsalm 93Psalm 96 Psalm 104Ecclesiastes Galileo was found “vehemently suspect of heresy”

28 The Myth The Church is mired in an ancient past that is out of touch with today The Church is by its nature unscientific Galileo’s trial proves this to be true Religion and science don’t mix—or when they do, science turns out right and religion wrong

29 More Accurately There are eternal truths that science cannot evaluate. Explaining the natural world is not one of them Explaining theology is one of them Science by nature must change when new things are discovered or better explanations are made If the Church dabbles in science and pronounces eternal truths, it will have to withstand the scrutiny of science. In 2008, The Catholic Church posthumously issued an apology to Galileo (and many other events)

30 Evaluate This Galileo said: “The Bible tells us how to go to Heaven; not how the heavens go.” aculty/projects/ftrials /galileo/galileo.html aculty/projects/ftrials /galileo/galileo.html (Primary Sources)

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