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Kasson City Council Public Hearing Capital Improvements Plan October 26, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Kasson City Council Public Hearing Capital Improvements Plan October 26, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kasson City Council Public Hearing Capital Improvements Plan October 26, 2005

2 Facilities with Space Needs - Fire Dept - Fire Dept –Built in 1958, remodeled in 1978 - Library - Library –Moved into current facility in 1989 - Police Dept - Police Dept - City Council/Community Meeting Space - City Council/Community Meeting Space –Moved into this facility in 1996

3 Goals Use land we already own Use land we already own Keep property acquisition costs low, now and in the future Keep property acquisition costs low, now and in the future Take as little additional property off the tax rolls as possible Take as little additional property off the tax rolls as possible Take as long-term a view as we can afford Take as long-term a view as we can afford

4 Fire Department Options Options Do nothing Do nothing Build new in a new location Build new in a new location –Land cost –Relocation issues Build new on existing site Build new on existing site –Land cost –Cost of new construction Move into Public Works building Move into Public Works building –No relocation issues –No land acquisition –Costs less to renovate an existing building –Not landlocked, with room to expand on-site for many years –No additional land off the tax rolls –Put a property on the tax rolls

5 Public Works Fewer space issues, but departments are growing and office space is not ideal Fewer space issues, but departments are growing and office space is not ideal 40 hour/week operation gets new building 40 hour/week operation gets new building Not as necessary to be centrally located Not as necessary to be centrally located

6 Public Works Options Do nothing Do nothing –Can’t, air quality and roofing issues that would need to be addressed anyway Relocate to another part of town Relocate to another part of town –Land acquisition/tax roll issue Relocate to WWTP Relocate to WWTP –Land already owned by the City –Plenty of land for current project and future expansion –All main Public Works departments operating out of the same location

7 Library Started working on this about seven years ago Started working on this about seven years ago Currently is a 2400 square foot facility Currently is a 2400 square foot facility Needs assessment done 6 years ago called for 10,000 square feet with expansion to 15,000 in 10-15 years Needs assessment done 6 years ago called for 10,000 square feet with expansion to 15,000 in 10-15 years

8 Library Options Do nothing Do nothing Expand on site Expand on site –Landlocked and land acquisition in area expensive Build in a new location Build in a new location –Location criteria – near central business district –Looked at several locations Folkestad’s Garage - Land acquisition $350,000 or more, plus environmental cleanup Folkestad’s Garage - Land acquisition $350,000 or more, plus environmental cleanup Lions Park - Council chose not to move forward with that option Lions Park - Council chose not to move forward with that option Remaining suitable location – Old Elementary School Remaining suitable location – Old Elementary School –Land acquisition reasonable –Takes no more land off the tax rolls –Is centrally located – still near the downtown –Puts existing library on the tax rolls

9 City Hall Options Do nothing Do nothing –Council Chambers too small –No room for expansion of Admin Staff Move Police into Fire Station and renovate City Hall Move Police into Fire Station and renovate City Hall –Convert garage area into meeting space –Convert Council Chambers into office space Build joint facility with Library on Old Elementary School site Build joint facility with Library on Old Elementary School site –Library and Council share meeting/program space –Puts two City functions under one roof –Police can use the current City Hall with minor alterations

10 Police Department Options Do nothing Do nothing –Cramped office space –No interview room Move into Fire Station Move into Fire Station Take over City Hall Take over City Hall Move into new joint facility with City Hall and Library Move into new joint facility with City Hall and Library

11 City Center Project on Old School Site Demolish old and build new Demolish old and build new –Plenty of room –Puts up to three City departments in one place –Shared meeting/programming and training room –Removes significant building Renovate the existing building Renovate the existing building –Already set up for office/library space in each wing with shared meeting space in the middle –12,000 square feet for Library –6,000 square feet for Admin –Plenty of room for council meeting/library programs in center –Police Station on 2nd floor with garage addition –Old gym area available for various community uses –Possibly room for a Chamber office –Saves a significant building –Puts existing Fire Hall and City Hall back on the tax rolls

12 Goals Use land we already own Use land we already own Keep property acquisition costs low, now and in the future Keep property acquisition costs low, now and in the future Take as little additional property off the tax rolls as possible Take as little additional property off the tax rolls as possible Take as long-term a view as we can afford Take as long-term a view as we can afford

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