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The Beginning of the End.  Richard Nixon wants to get rid of nightmares  Begins to pull troops out of Vietnam in 1969, but STILL fights war  Vietnamization.

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Presentation on theme: "The Beginning of the End.  Richard Nixon wants to get rid of nightmares  Begins to pull troops out of Vietnam in 1969, but STILL fights war  Vietnamization."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Beginning of the End

2  Richard Nixon wants to get rid of nightmares  Begins to pull troops out of Vietnam in 1969, but STILL fights war  Vietnamization  Gradual withdrawal in order for the S. Viet to take a more active role in the war

3  By 1972 there were only 25,000 troops left  Nixon called this “peace with honor”

4 Massacre shocks nation  NY Times report on My Lai Massacre  Shot more than 200 civs  Troops claim they were only following Lt. Calley’s orders  “Kill anything that breathed”

5  Home front was calming down however in 1970, even after My Lai, but not protest free  1.5 million students went on strike  Kent State saw burning of ROTC building  May 4, National Guard opened fire, killing four


7 More lies…  Pentagon Papers  Plans for entering war, even as LBJ promised not to  Supported anti-war sentiments and a distrust of govt-although Nixon won’t feel sting  War Powers Act  Limits war making ability of President

8 Nixon Policies-Good President or Bad?  Positives  Aids Medicare/Medicaid and Family Assistance Plan  Peaceful Foreign policy of détente and China/USSR trips  SALT

9  Negatives  Stagflation- unemployment AND price rise  Civil Rights  Slowed integration for votes

10  Watergate  Ordered “plumbers” to break into the Democratic National Committee and “bug” their phone lines  They get caught  After the election it is discovered that they were paid by Nixon

11  Nixon denies involvement  Nixon fires many employees involved  Nixon withholds tapes and information from the Senate investigating committee  Finally hands over edited copies

12  Nixon resigns  V.P. Gerald Ford becomes President  First act  Pardons Richard Nixon of all crimes  Public outraged; destroyed any chance of being elected


14  Jackson State sees 2 shot  Many supported the National Guard  “Got what they were asking for”

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