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>> Focus on energy and climate change Bilateral co-operation projects in the Textile Industry 1 – G2G MET 2 – PSOM demonstration Ankara, May 24, 2011 EIE.

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Presentation on theme: ">> Focus on energy and climate change Bilateral co-operation projects in the Textile Industry 1 – G2G MET 2 – PSOM demonstration Ankara, May 24, 2011 EIE."— Presentation transcript:

1 >> Focus on energy and climate change Bilateral co-operation projects in the Textile Industry 1 – G2G MET 2 – PSOM demonstration Ankara, May 24, 2011 EIE & NL Agency Meeting with Textile sector organisations

2 Part 1: Key features of 2 bilateral projects in textile industry G2G MET project (10 pilot companies) PSOM demonstration project (1 pilot company) Tee break Part 2: Identification of pilot companies Selection criteria Recommendations of Sector Organizations for the selection >> Focus on energy and climate change 2 Contents

3 G2G MET project >> Focus on energy and climate change 3 Key features / Global Project Plan Title Development of Energy Efficiency M onitoring and E valuation in T urkey Duration Budget Funding 2 years (start in January 2011) 350.000 Euro Dutch Government-to-Government Programme Organizations involved MNER/EIE (submitter and counterpart/beneficiary) Ministries, Agencies, Sector Associations, Energy Efficiency Consultancies and pilot companies Project activities structured mix of trainings, workshops and practical pilot experiences EU relevancecontribution to develop the infrastructure for implementation of the “Energy Service Directive”

4 Planning >> Focus on energy and climate change 4

5 Result 3 >> Focus on energy and climate change 5 Pilot on Users Groups in Textile Industry ScopeIntroduce the Users Groups approach for dissemination of know-how on EE in a pilot sub-sector ActivitiesSelection of participants 10 pilot companies in 2 textile regions (2 * 5) Identification of improvement options On-site working sessions of the Users Groups with the support of a sector specialist Facilitating implementation Facilitating contacts with know-how and technology providers and support for feasibility assessments Dissemination event Informing other companies with similar situation on EE opportunities through their sector organizations Turkish participants EIE, EE consultants, textile sector organizations, pilot companies. Selection of pilot company based on a Short List elaborated in consultation with textile sector organisations and EIE.

6 PSOM project >> Focus on energy and climate change 6 Key features Title Optimization of the drying process in a Turkish dye-house Purpose Budget Funding Demonstration of technology and improvement of working methods 750.000 Euro (average) Project selected by tender and financed by The Netherlands, in general on a grant basis. Organizations involved Dutch companies implement the project in collaboration with a local counterpart, public or private. Supervision by NL Agency-EVD (NL) and EIE (TUR) Project activities Technical assistance Investment in hardware Institutional strengthening Twinning of Turkish and Dutch companies Feasibility studies Dissemination of results Project beneficiary 1 pilot company in the Turkish textile industry. Selection of pilot company based on a Short List elaborated in consultation with textile sector organisations and EIE.

7 Desired profile for participation in Textile Users Group: Company with high energy efficiency improvement potential Company open to technical innovation Motivated energy manager Availability of company project team Management support Location Users Groups will be set up in 2 subregions with high concentration of textile companies. >> Focus on energy and climate change 7 Selection criteria for G2G MET project

8 >> Focus on energy and climate change 8 Subregion 1: 5 pilot companies 1 EE consultancy (TUR) Subregion 2: 5 pilot companies 1 EE consultancy (TUR) Training &Support: EIE + sector organisation (TUR) NL Agency,+ sector specialist (NL) 2 Users Groups in 2 subregions

9 Desired profile of beneficiary of PSOM demonstration project: Dye-house with high energy efficiency improvement potential Company open to technical innovation Motivated energy manager Availability of company project team Management support Company committed to support dissemination events and on-site demonstration activities during and after project implementation Location in a region with a high concentration of textile companies Adequate conditions for successful project implementation (a pre-audit assessment will take place at a number of candidate locations) >> Focus on energy and climate change 9 Selection criteria for PSOM demo project

10 >> Focus on energy and climate change 10 ? 1 demonstration project (dye-house)

11 G2G MET project Selection of 2 subregions Compile a Short List of companies to be invited to the Users Groups Kick-Off meeting (15-20 companies) The Users Groups Kick-Off meeting will take place in the 1 st week of July 2011. Definitive selection of pilot companies will take place after this meeting. >> Focus on energy and climate change 11 Recommendations of textile sector Organizations (1)

12 PSOM project Compile a Short List of candidate companies for the PSOM demonstration project (3-5 companies) The Short List should be available mid June 2011 (visit of the PSOM formulation mission to Turkey). Definitive selection of the beneficiary will take place after a pre- audit at candidate companies. >> Focus on energy and climate change 12 Recommendations of textile sector Organizations (2)

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