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WWII Group Project Douglas MacArthur Brooke Davis, Britt Warner, Ross Stevenson and Peyton Crone.

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1 WWII Group Project Douglas MacArthur Brooke Davis, Britt Warner, Ross Stevenson and Peyton Crone

2 Biography - Before WWII  Born on January 26, 1880 in Little Rock Arkansas  His father was an army officer (Arthur MacArthur)  Douglas learned how to shoot from spending time with his father on western frontier outposts  Graduated in 1903 from U.S. Military Academy at West Point  During WWI he served as a brigadier general and took part in leading the 42nd “Rainbow” Division in France.  Married Jean Faircloth in 1937 and had a son, Arthur MacArthur IV

3 Biography - After WWII  Supreme Commander of the allied powers in Japan  Commander of American coalition of United Nations in the Korean War  Later, President Truman relieved him from command and he returned home as a hero  Him and his wife moved to NYC where he was elected chairman of the board for Remington Rand (typewriter and computer manufacturer)  MacArthur died on April 5, 1964 in Washington, DC  He was buried at the Douglas MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk, Virginia

4 War Strategy Island Hopping Island hopping is the strategy of taking over an island, and using it as a base for attacking the next island. US forces often intentionally bypassed Japanese strongholds and cut off their supply lines, starving them out instead of confronting them directly. The end goal was to capture a chain of islands untill mainland Japan was in range of our bombers.

5 Major Battles Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941  Surprise attack on naval base on Oahu Island Hawaii.  The Japanese attacked with diver bombers,torpedoes, and kamikaze pilots.  Many Naval ships and hundreds of aircraft destroyed.  2403 Americans killed and 1178 wounded.

6 Major Battles Battle of Wake Island: December 8-32, 1941  Hours after the attack on pearl harbor the defense outpost wake island was attacked.  The japanese had the element of surprise because of poor radar and heavy fog.  the battle for the island ended with a japanese victory but they lost 1000 troops compared to the 100 American casualties.  all Marines and civilians on the island became POWs

7 Major Battles Battle of the Coral Sea: May 4-8, 1942  This was the first Air-Sea battle in history.  U.S Fleet turned back Japanese invasion force heading towards New Guinea.  So many Japanese aircraft were destroyed the invasion was not able to be continued.  Strategic victory for allies.

8 Major Battles Battle of Midway: June 3-6, 1942  Fighting for a small island between Japan and the United States.  The U.S. broke japanese code, giving the American Fleet the upper hand.  Japanese Naval fleet took heavy losses  Victory for U.S. ended the threat of further japanese invasion and attack on U.S. soil.

9 Major Battles Saipan and the Battle of the Philippine Sea: June 15 - July 24, 1944  The Japanese heavily fortified the island of Saipan, and US troops were met with strong resistance.  Civilians on Saipan committed mass suicide when US forces invaded.  The Japanese fleet moved in to distract US forces from Saipan, starting the Battle of the Philippine Sea.  The Japanese lost 3 aircraft carriers and over 600 aircraft. US fighter pilots called it “The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot”.  Saipan became an important US airfield.

10 Major Battles Battle of Iwo Jima: February 19, 1945 -Massive American amphibious invasion of an island within range of japan for the american B-29 bomber. -Roughly 23,000 japanese troops defending the island. -(only 1000 prisoners were taken) -Japanese dug elaborate network of tunnels and trenches throughout the island making it difficult to attack. Making the fighting last a month -Victory put Allies in position to attack Japan

11 Significance ★ Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), was one of the most powerful military officers in modern American history. He was a general best known for his command of Allied forces and military activities in the Pacific Theater during World War II and the Commander and Chief of the Far East (CINCFE) in the post war. ★ MacArthur found fame as the officer who led America’s withdrawal from the Philippines with the quote “ I shall return”. ★ He accepted the Japanese surrender aboard the U.S.S. Missouri in September 1945, then acted as supreme commander over the occupation of Japan. ★ MacArthur was also known for being relieved of his command in April 1951 by President Truman during the Korean War because he publicly disagreed and stated his opinions about Washington’s campaign strategies. ★

12 WWII Hall of FAME  Was known as a hero among Americans and Filipinos  Awards:  Medal of Honor  Distinguished Service Cross  Army Distinguished Service Medal  Navy Distinguished Service Medal  Silver Star  Distinguished Flying Cross  Bronze Star  Air Medal  Purple Heart

13 Works Cited "Douglas MacArthur." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016. "Douglas MacArthur." Douglas MacArthur. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016. PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016. "World War II Pacific: Advancing Across the Pacific." About Education. N.p., n.d. Web. "Battle of Iwo Jima." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016. "Log in." Britannica School. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016. "Pearl Harbor Attack." Britannica School. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016. "Island Hopping." Island Hopping. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016. "Battle Of Wake Island." History Net Where History Comes Alive World US History Online. N.p., n.d. Web.14 Jan. 2016. "Battle of Midway." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016. "Battle of Iwo Jima." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.

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