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Browsing Linked Data Graphs PUC-Rio – DI Aluno: Jeronimo Eichler 12014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler.

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Presentation on theme: "Browsing Linked Data Graphs PUC-Rio – DI Aluno: Jeronimo Eichler 12014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Browsing Linked Data Graphs PUC-Rio – DI Aluno: Jeronimo Eichler 12014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

2 Sumary  Motivation  Problems  Approaches  Mashpoint  References OWL - Jeronimo Eichler22014

3 Linked Open Data Opportunities  Make information public;  Discover related datasets;  Integrate datasets;  Reuse knowledge;  Discover new knowledge; 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

4 Web of Data 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

5 Problem Although a huge quantity of information is available on the Web, it is hard to end users to access Linked Data in a broader scenario. Users are generally confined in islands of information. Despite the Linked Data principles it is still a challenge to create simple interations to allow users to easily navigate beyond the current dataset. 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

6 Approaches Currently, two approaches emerge to address this goal: (1)Using data-mapping approaches to allow congureable interfaces to be quickly deployed over pre-selected aggregations of Linked Data:  Once deployed they create their own data silo. 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

7 Approaches Currently, two approaches emerge to address this goal: (2) Using generic data browsers leting users explore and navigate on arbitrary data.  Generic representations - a one size ts all interface for data.  Closely associated with the underlying RDF model  often is too ne grained for the casual user.  requires transformations for finding suitable representations. 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

8 Approaches Currently, two approaches emerge to address this goal: (2) Using generic data browsers leting users explore and navigate on arbitrary data.  Generic representations - a one size ts all interface for data.  Closely associated with the underlying RDF model  often is too ne grained for the casual user.  requires transformations for finding suitable representations. 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

9 Mashpoint Mashpoint is defined as a framework that allows data-centric interfaces to be linked based on equivalent identifiers in their respective data sources, enable them to express their state based on these identifiers, and allow these identifiers to be passed as input from one application to another as a way of enabling navigation. Mashpoint sees applications as a higher level lenses or views over graphs of data on the Web. 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

10 Mashpoint - Principles Data-centric applications is seen as lens over some data because it provides data viewed in a specific context. An specific view about some data. If different applications have information about a specific set of objects, the user can go from one application to another in order to find new objects. Thus, the framework must be aware of what applications know to suggest related ones. 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

11 Mashpoint 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler I have information about Earth, Saturn and Jupiter I know Earth and Venus. I know nothing!!

12 Mashpoint – Implem. The Mashpoint implementation consists of following three parts: 1.The applications providing data-centric information; 2.A discovery service allowing applications to look up other applications; 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

13 Applications An application must address the following goals to be integrated in Mashpoint:  Use URIs;  Provide data-centric features;  Be able to receive multiple resources as input;  Be able to select and represent multiple resources as output; 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

14 Discovery Service The discovery service keeps a record about which URI identifiers can be represented in which applications. Thus, applications therefore need to register themselves in the discovery service and "subscribe" their URI identiers. Once registered, the application can request another applications that can take the current selection to the discovery. 2014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

15 Thank you 152014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

16 References  Popov, I.; Schraefel, MC; Correndo, G.; Hall, W.; Shadbolt, N. Interacting with the Web of Data through a Web of Inter- connected Lenses (2012).  Popov, I.; Schraefel, MC; Hall, W.; Shadbolt, N. Connecting the Dots: A Multi-pivot Approach to Data Exploration, ISWC-11 (2011). 162014OWL - Jeronimo Eichler

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