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Framing Questions What is Gamestorming? How can I use it to improve collaboration in a PBL Context?

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Presentation on theme: "Framing Questions What is Gamestorming? How can I use it to improve collaboration in a PBL Context?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Framing Questions What is Gamestorming? How can I use it to improve collaboration in a PBL Context?

3 Gamestorming Agenda Webinar Norms Phone on mute when you are not talking. Feel free to interrupt with questions. Use the Instant Messaging forum (note public/private postings) Participate in follow-up conversations in the Echo Discussion Group! Introduction And Overview Examples and Applications Create your own/ Next Steps

4 1 st Game! Just for fun (and to practice), post your “Supername” and corresponding “Super Power” in the chat window! As an example: Me: Super Name = Capt. Excitable Me: Super Power =able to get completely carried away by a new idea at the drop of a hat!


6 Setting the stage vs

7 Presentations Today! Moments of Collaboration Group FormationMaking a decision Generating Ideas Understanding the Problem Generating or Analyzing Criteria



10 Gamespace Boundaries RulesArtifacts Goal

11 Presentations Today! Moments of Collaboration Group FormationMaking a decision Generating Ideas Understanding the Problem Generating or Analyzing Criteria

12 The Basics: - Everyone creates their card on an index card. -Give them categories to include. (ex: hobbies, interests, talents, surprising facts, etc.) -Share with their group and use the info for the Strengths/Weaknesses/Roles Section of the Contract

13 Trading Card Variations

14 Presentations Today! Moments of Collaboration Group FormationMaking a decision Generating Ideas Understanding the Problem Generating or Analyzing Criteria

15 The Basics: Goal: -Gain a deeper understanding of your audience or client. Method: -Determine a question or set of questions you would want to ask your audience. - Create a visual map -Label the map for different parts of their experience (i.e. thinking, hearing, saying, feeling, doing) -Try to put yourself in their position and generate details about their experience.

16 Scenario: For a biology project, students are creating wellness guides to go in a doctor’s office specifically targeted at young/teen mothers.

17 teen mother-to-be

18 Presentations Today! Moments of Collaboration Group FormationMaking a decision Generating Ideas Understanding the Problem Generating or Analyzing Criteria

19 The Basics: -Hand out copies of the rubric. -Have students identify words they don’t understand OR words that are ABSTRACT/SUBJECTIVE -Share out a list of words and identify a certain number 3-10 to explore. - Pass out post-it notes and have each person draw a picture to represent each of the terms. -Post under each of the words - Debrief

20 Possible Debrief Options: -Immediate debrief -Gallery walk -Journal -Small group discussion -Defer discussion - Combination of the above

21 Presentations Today! Moments of Collaboration Group FormationMaking a decision Generating Ideas Understanding the Problem Generating or Analyzing Criteria


23 Presentation Formats HorrorRomantic ComedyComedy DocumentaryShock-u-mentaryMocumentary PSA Sonnet Short Story Music Video

24 Presentations Today! Moments of Collaboration Group FormationMaking a decision Generating Ideas Understanding the Problem Generating or Analyzing Criteria

25 The Basics: Goal: Help a group agree on a list of priorities Method: -Generate a list of items to be prioritized. -(could be another good rubric review) -Create a chart with the following categories -Item -$ value -Why -Have groups determine how much of their imaginary $100 they would “spend” for each of the items and provide a rational why.

26 Presentations Today! Moments of Collaboration Group FormationMaking a decision Generating Ideas Understanding the Problem Generating or Analyzing Criteria Planning Day to Day Work!

27 Pie Chart Agenda The Basics: -Draw a circle to represent total time - Put the objective in the middle - Have the group determine how much time they need for each step to complete the objective. -Once the agenda is set the meeting begins.

28 Could also be good for : -Faculty Meetings -Project Planning -Negotiating class time

29 Common Themes? Visual element Flexibility of facilitation Room for individualization Alternate ways of framing problems Very concrete/hands on Student ownership of process

30 Framing Questions What is Gamestorming? How can I use it to improve collaboration in a PBL Context?












42 Next Steps: -Visit the wiki -http://www.gogamestorm.com -48 hour rule -Echo Discussion Board -


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