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Hello! Nice to meet you! Class begins! A set of keys.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello! Nice to meet you! Class begins! A set of keys."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hello! Nice to meet you! Class begins!


4 A set of keys

5 an orange oranges

6 a banana bananas

7 a pear pears

8 a strawberry strawberries

9 a tomato tomatoes


11 a hamburger hamburgers

12 broccoli salad

13 ice cream French fries 法国的

14 Read them again: bananaspearstomatoes strawberries saladbroccoli hamburgersFrench friesice cream

15 ice cream

16 1.hamburgers 2.tomatoes 3.broccoli 4.French fries cream 7.salad 8.bananas 9.strawberries 10.pears d g a h e f c b i j Very good!

17 chant I like bananas. I like bananas. Yellow, yellow, bananas. I like tomatoes. I like tomatoes. Red, red, tomatoes. I like ice cream. I like ice cream. White, white, ice cream. I like hamburgers. I like hamburgers. Brown, brown, hamburgers..


19 Listen and number the conversations(1-3) A: Do you like salad? B: No, I don`t. 2 A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. 3 A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do. 1

20 Do you like……? Yes, I do. No, I don`t.

21 Homework Oral work: Recite the new words Written work: 1. Copy the new words 2. Making up dialogues between you and your parents about likes and dislikes

22 Thanks. Bye-bye.

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