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Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain European identity.

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Presentation on theme: "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain European identity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain European identity

2 Top Trumps In your pairs play European Top Trumps.

3 European Identity Hi, where do you think I come from? What gives it away ?

4 Key questions: To examine stereotypical associations with European Countries. To know what Italy is famous for and to recognise famous landmarks

5 Stereotyping Countries What country does this advert remind you of and how do you know?advert

6 Sense of Identity and Stereotypes What do we mean by a sense of identity? A sense of identity is when we think of a country, it’s traditions and the things that we associate with that country. What do we mean by stereotyping? Stereotyping is when you immediately assume that everyone in France eats frog legs and wears striped clothes and berets. This is a generalisation and is not true! Can you describe the UK’s sense of identity?

7 Stereotypical Images What stereotypes are there for England? What other stereotypes do you know of? Queen and James BondQueen and James Bond Watch this clip What does it say about British identity? Are there any stereotypes?

8 Italian Stereotypical Images Put the following headings in your exercise books and see if you can come up with at least 2 answers for each title; Historical Buildings Food Cities Landmarks Physical features


10 Historical Buildings

11 Food

12 Cities

13 Landmarks

14 Physical Features – Volcanoes!

15 Taste Test! I need 2 volunteers …


17 Create a brainstorm in your books on another European country. There are 50 to choose from…. Use lots of colour and draw some of the stereotypical items. Wales Scotland France Ireland Spain Greece Spain Football Paella Bullfight

18 Research time Use the internet and your own knowledge to complete the table on European Identity. You may need to think carefully about the customs.

19 Stereotyping Quiz: GUESS THE COUNTRY (OR AREA)!

20 NAME THAT COUNTRY OR AREA Look at the images on the screen and name the countries they remind you of. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16)

21 1)

22 2)

23 3)

24 4)

25 5)

26 6)

27 7)

28 8)

29 9)

30 10)

31 11)

32 12)

33 13)

34 14)

35 15)

36 16)

37 Answers! Next page…

38 NAME THAT COUNTRY OR AREA ANSWERS The answers are as follows: 1) Ireland 2) France 3) Scotland 4) Sweden 5) Wales 6) Germany 7) Netherlands 8) Hungary 9) Belgium 10) Portugal 11) Austria 12) Finland 13) Denmark 14) Spain 15) Greece 16) UK

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