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THE QUEST FOR THE IDEAL COURSEBOOK A. Ece, Fatos, Gulseren, Isıl, Lutfi & Tulin.

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Presentation on theme: "THE QUEST FOR THE IDEAL COURSEBOOK A. Ece, Fatos, Gulseren, Isıl, Lutfi & Tulin."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE QUEST FOR THE IDEAL COURSEBOOK A. Ece, Fatos, Gulseren, Isıl, Lutfi & Tulin

2 TASK 1 The content of our ideal?! coursebook

3 1. Should meet the needs of Ss (i.e syllabus objectives) Series should be available for Entry level Zero Beginner - Exit level B2 Age (17-18) Background- mixed ability students (state schools, private schools and Anatolian high schools in Turkey and international students; cultural differences) Interests (technology savvy students...etc.)

4 2. Approach - Integrated skills - Communicative (student centred, interactive...etc.) -Task based -Content based

5 3. Organising Principle - Theme based - Skills based

6 4.Academic skills Reading: skimming, scanning, detailed reading (referencing, inferencing, guessing meaning from context and critical thinking …etc.) Pre, while and post stages Texts: suitable length, difficulty level and topic Listening: listening for gist, detailed listening, inferencing in both while listening and note taking activities Pre, while and post stages Texts: suitable length, difficulty level, topic, interactive and accents representing EFL context

7 4.Academic skills Writing: a. Genres (paragraphs and/or essays) suitable for academic needs – to explain, to discuss, to argue.. etc. b. Process approach to writing: brainstorming, outlining, drafting, redrafting, self and peer check Speaking: a. Genres (oral presentations, discussions, debates, lectures...etc.) b. Process approach to speaking

8 4.Academic skills Vocabulary: first 2000 words+ AWL Separate sections for recycling of the target vocabulary in each unit (through giving collocations, other word forms, example sentences, antonyms and synonyms.) Grammar: to be presented in context; recycling of the target structures.

9 5.Strategy Training -All skills -Language (vocab and grammar) - Study skills

10 6.Content - needs of EFL context not ESL - up to date - authentic - global issues

11 7. Recycling There should be room for recycling of all skills and language objectives through supplementary materials- workbook, digital component.

12 Misc. 8. Reasonable price (esp. for the students from state schools) 9. Length of each unit (receptive and productive skills & language - there needs to be a balance) 10. Time allocated – appropriate for modular system (app 200 hours)

13 Misc. 11. Layout - visually appealing - categorization should be clear within each unit - objectives to be stated at the beginning of each unit - can do lists to be put at the end of each unit (self-assessment through can do lists)

14 Misc. 12. Extra resources For students: workbook, DVD, online components.. etc. For teachers: teacher’s book For the assessment and curriculum team: resources and guidelines

15 Misc. 13. There should be room for flexibility for adaptation. 14. Should be designed in a way which makes it easier for the students to study on their own; instructions to be self-explanatory, tasks to be explained clearly.

16 GI-TEFL (Globally Integrated TEFL)

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