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TOBACCO. Target: I will be able to list some harmful substances found in tobacco Pg. 95 What is in Cigarettes? There are approximately 600 ingredients.

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Presentation on theme: "TOBACCO. Target: I will be able to list some harmful substances found in tobacco Pg. 95 What is in Cigarettes? There are approximately 600 ingredients."— Presentation transcript:



3 Target: I will be able to list some harmful substances found in tobacco Pg. 95 What is in Cigarettes? There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, they create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many others are poisonous.

4 Some of the chemicals in tobacco smoke (and the other places they are found): Acetone – found in nail polish remover Acetic Acid – found in vinegar and hair dye Ammonia –found in household cleaner and fertilizer Arsenic – used in rat poison

5 Benzene – found in rubber cement Butane – used in lighter fluid Cadmium – active component in battery acid Carbon Monoxide – released in car exhaust fumes Cyanide – used in paper, textiles, plastics, WWII bombs Formaldehyde – embalming fluid

6 Hexamine – found in barbecue lighter fluid Lead – used in batteries Naphthalene – an ingredient in mothballs Methanol – a main component in rocket fuel Nicotine– used as insecticide Tar – material for paving roads Toluene - used to make paint


8 Nicotine: a poisonous and highly addictive stimulant found in all tobacco products Reaches the brain within 10 seconds of inhaling Dulls taste buds Increases heart rate and blood pressure

9 Tar- a sticky, dark, thick fluid that is formed when tobacco is burned. Gives cigarettes their flavor Sticks to the airways and lungs, drying the respiratory tract and irritating tissues Paralyzes and destroys cilia- tiny hairs that line the respiratory tract and sweeps mucus towards the mouth to be eliminated. Major cause of lung cancer


11 Healthy Lungs- Nonsmoker Tar Filled Lungs- Smoker Healthy Lungs- Effects of Pollution

12 Carbon Monoxide- an odorless, tasteless, poisonous gas, that interferes with the ability of the blood to carry oxygen When tobacco is burned carbon monoxide is made.

13 Types of Tobacco Products Conventional cigarettes E-cigarettes Cigars Pipes Chew- tobacco placed between cheek and gums Snuff- fine powder made from ground tobacco that is snorted through the nose

14 Specialty cigarettes Made of strong and cheap tobacco- 2x more tar and nicotine They have other things in them such as herbs and spices Viewed by adolescent users as being less harmful than conventional cigarettes Summary:

15 ITS ALL IN THE INGREDIENTS Choose 6 of the substances that are found in cigarettes and label then draw pictures to help you remember them. *Use a minimum of 4 colors Pg. 96

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