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Minister: Test us, O L ORD, and prove us, Congregation: Examine our minds and our hearts. Ps. 26:2 Pastor: Search us, O God, and know our hearts, Congregation:

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Presentation on theme: "Minister: Test us, O L ORD, and prove us, Congregation: Examine our minds and our hearts. Ps. 26:2 Pastor: Search us, O God, and know our hearts, Congregation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Minister: Test us, O L ORD, and prove us, Congregation: Examine our minds and our hearts. Ps. 26:2 Pastor: Search us, O God, and know our hearts, Congregation: And see if there is any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting. Ps 139:23-24 Sonoita Bible Church “Leading People to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”

2 Most holy and merciful Father, we acknowledge and confess before You our sinful nature, prone to evil and lacking in doing good. You alone know how often we have sinned, in wandering from Your ways, in wasting Your gifts, in forgetting Your love. O Lord, have mercy upon us, who are ashamed and sorry for all these sins in which we have displeased You. Teach us to hate our errors, cleanse us from our secret faults, and forgive our sin, for the sake of Your dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Sonoita Bible Church “Leading People to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”

3 Sonoita Bible Church “Leading People to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”

4 Enter  God’s invitation to you!  You must do the entering Sonoita Bible Church “Leading People to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”

5 The Narrow gate (v 13 &14)  Because you enter alone  Narrow because not many use it  It will be hard to find  It will have its reward! Sonoita Bible Church “Leading People to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”

6 The Other Gate  Wide  Easy  End is Destruction Sonoita Bible Church “Leading People to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”

7 The Narrow Way  God’s way will be hard  Striving is needed  Luke 13:22  Entering is easy… Walking is strenuous  “Confusion continually occurs when we try to do what God alone can do and try to persuade ourselves that God will do what we alone can do. ~ Oswald Chambers Sonoita Bible Church “Leading People to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”

8 Differences in the 2 Gates  The Wide Gate  Many Religions  The Narrow Gate  One way!  The Wide Gate  Promises liberation, pleasure and joy but ends in Death  The Narrow Gate  Promises labor, effort and striving but ends in Life. Sonoita Bible Church “Leading People to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”

9 Your Choice!  What is your desire?  Destruction or Life?  Make your choice, and walk accordingly!  Ease or Striving!  Keep your eye on what is your desire  Worldly ease or Eternal Life! Sonoita Bible Church “Leading People to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”

10 How has God spoken to you today?  Have you learned something today? About God, His Word or Yourself?  Have you been challenged to change something about yourself today? Your Invitation!  Pause to verbalize a prayer to God about your response to today’s Message.  Come forward to pray and/or share your commitment Sonoita Bible Church “Leading People to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”

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