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Presentation on theme: " Floods Reporting Drafting Group Progress report WG D -13-14.10.2010 Maria Brättemark WFD Team, DG ENV.D.1, European Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Floods Reporting Drafting Group Progress report WG D -13-14.10.2010 Maria Brättemark WFD Team, DG ENV.D.1, European Commission

2 WG D 13-14.10.2010 -1st reporting obligation (CA/UoM) - Reporting sheets (Maps And Plans) - Types of floods, consequences and measures - Testing - Visualisation - INSPIRE Progress report on :

3 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Art 3 reporting (Units of Management & Competent authorities) 24 Member States reported on time, two have updated information since (FI, UK). For BG, EL, HU and MT it is assumed that WFD information applies. Different Competent authorities for many MS. Different Units of Management for 2 (IT,IE), possibly 3(SE) Member States Bilateral contact for clarification Visualisation – as for WFD

4 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Units of Management Italy

5 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Italy : 51 Units of Management

6 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Ireland : 26 Units of Management

7 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Poland: Competent Authorities WFD example Poland 46 CA

8 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Poland: Competent Authorities Add to textual information

9 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Reporting sheet agreed end 2009 Deadline 22.12.2011 –Reporting art 4 : 22.3.2012 (formal deadline) –Reporting art 5 : 22.9.2012 (informal deadline extension : 6 months + 3 for reporting) Draft schemas discussed drafting group –close to finalisation Enumeration lists –Types of floods and consequences Database on past floods –Part of PFRA reporting –Possibility to complement with existing database information Testing (CZ) GIS Guidance in preparation

10 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Visualisation in discussion : –Past floods –Areas of potential significant flood risk

11 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment APSFR

12 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment – an option AREAS TO BE MAPPED by UoM/RBD - Red : not yet mapped - Orange : partly mapped - Green : area mapped Grey : Area no potential significant flood risk Click on the area to zoom in to flood map. + GIS Layer + attribute information on methodology, explaining art 4+5, 13.1a or 131b use… + past floods

13 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Past floods Important to build up knowledge base for broader policy (disaster prevention, climate change) PFRA reporting sheet to collect the following information for each significant past flood where available or readily derivable: –Location (Name of the locality, river basin, sub-basin and/or coastal area or –other areas associated with past floods); –Category of flood (past flood or potential future flood) –Type of flood or floods –Extent (area of land inundated, or length of river stretches or coasts) –Probability of flood event (frequency, recurrence) –Type and degree of adverse consequences for: human health environment cultural heritage economic activity –Other relevant information –For past floods, date of commencement and duration (days) of each flood

14 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Past floods – example visualisation 1

15 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Past floods – example visualisation 2

16 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Past floods – example visualisation 3

17 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Reporting sheet Flood Hazard Maps and Flood Risk Maps Final draft reporting sheet submitted to WG F for adoption 1.10.2010, and subsequent adoption SCG/WD end 2010 Deadline 22.12.2013 (Reporting art : 22.6.2014) Coordination requirement with WFD art 5 review Links between WISE and national flood maps – key issue for testing Testing started for zooming in, needs to be extended – towards a decentralised system INSPIRE- natural risk zones of key importance Timing – fully INSPIRE compliant by 2 nd cycle

18 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Floods demo stepthrough

19 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Floods demo stepthrough

20 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Floods demo stepthrough

21 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Floods demo stepthrough

22 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Floods demo stepthrough

23 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Floods demo stepthrough

24 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Floods demo stepthrough

25 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Example BISE Outlines - example BISE

26 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Interface WISE-national flood maps

27 WG D 13-14.10.2010 Flood Risk Management plans Draft Reporting sheet – advanced draft under discussion. Key issues : –Information on measures, data, location, impact, costs, –Types of measures – enumeration list under development –Ensure links with WFD Water Directors Spring 2011 Visualisation in WISE (administrative, what is of interest to the public and other policy areas) Key WFD links : –Basic and supplementary measures –New modifications –Green infrastructure

28 WG D 13-14.10.2010 INSPIRE Natural Risk Zones Technical working group Use case example : Flood risk maps DE Member NZTWG – information exchange Buildings and Land use – further user requirements input Timetable

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