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The Query/View/Reporting System (QVR) Proposed Screens for Incorporating IC-Specific Data Functionality Presentation to IC-Specific Data Committee June.

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Presentation on theme: "The Query/View/Reporting System (QVR) Proposed Screens for Incorporating IC-Specific Data Functionality Presentation to IC-Specific Data Committee June."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Query/View/Reporting System (QVR) Proposed Screens for Incorporating IC-Specific Data Functionality Presentation to IC-Specific Data Committee June 26, 2002 Presentation to IC-Specific Data Committee June 26, 2002

2 Specific Steps Needed Obtain a composite view of the “external” data needed by ICs for their business processes –Identify the IMPAC II data extramural (OLTP and IRDB) that’s being downloaded by each IC and determine how it is used –Identify other data sources required

3 Specific Steps Needed (Continued) Determine the local (i.e., IC-specific) data needed by each IC for their extramural business processes –Identify grant coding/indexing data and techniques used by each IC –Identify other IC-specific data needed

4 Overall Plan Develop database structure for storage of IC- specific data Upload IC-specific data for pilot test ICs into central database Copy necessary IMPAC data into central database Direct QVR functionality to access IC-Specific data for pilot test ICs Expand system to other ICs Develop data input functionality for IC requiring this capability

5 IC #9IC #8IC #10IC #11IC #nIC #7 The Goal IMPAC II - IRDB IMPAC II - OLTP eRA Suite of Applications (GM, ICO, Review, etc.) Selected IMPAC II Data Plus IC-specific Data IC #5IC #6IC #4IC #3IC #2IC #1 Institutes will continue using the eRA suite of applications as usual Institutes will load data into a central database Only a single download to the Central database from the OLTP and IRDB will be needed

6 IC-Specific Data-Screen Options Search Screens—Allow searches based on IC-specific data IMPAC II data Frozen data or dynamic IMPAC data Generate Reports IC-specific data IMPAC II data (Frozen data or dynamic IMPAC data) Search Screens—Allow searches based on IC-specific data IMPAC II data Frozen data or dynamic IMPAC data Generate Reports IC-specific data IMPAC II data (Frozen data or dynamic IMPAC data)

7 Mockup of IC-Specific Data Screens System would offer an IC-Specific Search Screen The screen would be customized to the needs of each IC or Office using the system The user could specify whether the search was to be conducted on current IMPAC data or FROZEN data The system would offer the full utility of the QVR system including data download to a spreadsheet and the Standard Reports System would offer an IC-Specific Search Screen The screen would be customized to the needs of each IC or Office using the system The user could specify whether the search was to be conducted on current IMPAC data or FROZEN data The system would offer the full utility of the QVR system including data download to a spreadsheet and the Standard Reports

8 Switch Screen Option Select

9 Proposed IC-Specific Data Search Screen Select IC-Specific Data Search Example link_qvr.qvr_standard_detail_v link_qvr.qvr_download_v The system recognizes the Institute or Office the user is associated with and will display ONLY the IC-specific data associated with that Institute or Office

10 IC-Specific Data Search Screen Screen navigation items IC-Specific Data Select

11 IC-Specific Data Search Screen Primary Search TermSecondary Search Term “NIXXX” Specific Data Or “Office” Specific Data Scientific Indexing Terms Other Indexing Terms IC-Specific Search Screen Panel Use Frozen Data No Yes The system recognizes the Institute or Office the user is associated with and will display ONLY the IC-specific data associated with that Institute or Office And Or and not And Or and not

12 System Design Parameters The user could search on IC-specific data as well as IMPAC II data. The user could generate reports based on IC-specific data as well as IMPAC II data The user could define whether the reports would use Frozen data or Dynamic IMPAC II data

13 Important findings so far Each IC downloads a large number of data items from IMPAC II relating to their IC Only a small subset of these data items need to be frozen

14 On careful analysis a different view emerges Internal IC grant handling processes vary in the details – All ICs use the same general workflow. Each IC either has or wants a scientific indexing scheme for analyzing and reporting their science. The overall workflows used by the ICs are similar enough that a consensus developing process has a high likelihood of being successful in developing an NIH-wide database and application.


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