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Software Engineering Columbia Chapter From Nampa, Idaho Matthew Little | Matthew Coggins | Kody Kriner | Brandon Thacker.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Engineering Columbia Chapter From Nampa, Idaho Matthew Little | Matthew Coggins | Kody Kriner | Brandon Thacker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Engineering Columbia Chapter From Nampa, Idaho Matthew Little | Matthew Coggins | Kody Kriner | Brandon Thacker

2 The Point Of Sale System Checkout Inventory Control Reporting

3 Responsibilities Kriner: User interface & GUI, flow. Coggins: Exception handling, testing, feedback. Little: Backbone programming. Thacker: Database structure and usage.

4 Design Phase The most important stage in software development. Organization is key. Flow charts for the most advanced functions. GUI mock-ups.

5 Checkout had the most features



8 Calc Remaining Percentage Entire POS System Correlation Read by Writes to Database Checkout End Transaction Log Manage Inventory Reporting System Parts Files Actions Add Item To Cart Load Items Update Item

9 GUI, Application Flow Goal: to keep the design fluid and efficient. Easy to learn and operate. Easy to learn and operate. Rich layout. Full featured.

10  Appealing to the eye  Neat and graphical  Yet not cluttered

11  Took advantage of.NET Framework accessibility.  OS Native look.  Windows controls.

12  Windows inherent application flow  Windows inherent application flow.  Simple to operate.

13 The Database CSV, or Comma Separated Values, database. Light, flexible, and easy to implement. Contrary to conventional databases that require: Much more memory resources Much more memory resources Higher-end computers Higher-end computers Additional Software Additional Software Server setup Server setup

14 Database Structure  CSV structure  Rows defined by “line downs”  Columns defined by “commas”

15 Transaction Logs Logs (needed for Reporting) create: Accurate profit reporting. Accurate profit reporting. Remaining stock percentages. Remaining stock percentages.

16 The Code Programming Language: C#.NET 3.5 C#.NET 3.5Compiler/Developer: Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Microsoft Visual C# 2008 ExpressReadability/Organization: Code Comments Code Comments Region Directives Region Directives

17 Code Organization The Region Directive allows for code segments to be titled and minimized.

18 Source Code Commenting (all commenting is green)

19 Testing/Feedback Testing with 20 users. Several times throughout development Several times throughout development Took in all feedback. Resulting in very user-friendly UI. Resulting in very user-friendly UI. Fixed errors. Absolutely no errors with normal usage. Absolutely no errors with normal usage.

20 We will now take you through the software as an end-user.

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