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TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 TC 310 The Computer in Technical Communication Dr. Jennifer Turns Week 10, Day 1 (12/2)

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Presentation on theme: "TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 TC 310 The Computer in Technical Communication Dr. Jennifer Turns Week 10, Day 1 (12/2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 TC 310 The Computer in Technical Communication Dr. Jennifer Turns Week 10, Day 1 (12/2)

2 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 The Final Stretch… DayEmphasis Tuesday (11/25)Examples (see website for Fall 02, Spring 03) Audience analysis Tuesday (12/2)Storyboards Sample annotations Thursday (12/4)Software beyond TC310 Tuesday (12/9)Prof Portfolio due (Asgn 9) Open House Monday (12/15)Learning portfolio due (Asgn 10)

3 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 Homework – Tuesday, 12/2 Read assignment 9 and 10 Bring the following items to class on Tuesday… 1.Questions about assignments 9 and 10 2.The list of the six artifacts you plan to include in your professional portfolio. 3.The text that will annotate one of the artifacts. 4.A storyboard representing your ideas for your professional portfolio (sketches are fine).

4 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 Week 10, Day 1 By the end of class, students should be able to: –Explain their choice of artifacts for the professional portfolio –Use sample annotations to create remaining annotations –Begin implementation of the professional portfolio What we’ll do… –Discuss general questions about assignment –Revisit audience analysis –Explore artifact selection –Explore annotation examples –Explore storyboards

5 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 1. Audience Analysis What – “A persona is a profile of an archetypal user synthesized from a series of interviews with real people. It includes a name, a social history, and a set of goals that drive the developer’s design of the product or website.” (Perfetti, in Intercom, Nov 2002, p. 35) Why – The concreteness of personas makes it easier to think about design implications.

6 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 Audience Analysis / Personas Persona 1: Archibald has been working for XYZ Co. for 8 years. He graduated from the UWTC department 10 years ago. His specialty is web design. He is in charge of hiring new employees and is currnetly looking to fill a position in the TC department of XYZ Co. Some things that he looks for when hiring are: absolute loyalty, experience in several software applications including InDesign, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver. In his spare time he likes to go skinny dipping with his pet iguana named fluffy. He is also studying to be a french chef. Persona 2: Janet De Cosmo is a technical recruiter for Microsoft, and she's interested in finding potential candidates for full time employment. She travels frequently and visits different colleges across the country. This year, she's looking for candidates who have both ability to write (or edit) and design documents, web pages, and graphics. The company has three job openings, and they require a creative person who has skills in Visio, PowerPoint, or any Desktop or Web Publishing tools. Janet is also searching for candidates who have the ability to work independently as well as in groups.

7 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 Audience Analysis / Personas Persona 3: Joe is 42 years old and has worked with his current company, Sea Monkey's Inc., for the past 10 years. He earned his degree in business and is interested in further developing the product while reducing overhead costs. Realizing that outsourcing requires a deep knowledge of technical communication, Joe is in search for someone who can provide that expertise. Persona 4: Robert Calvin is an investor. He is interested in funding projects that will make him money. He's interested in startup companies in technical communication and engineering fields. He's devoted to his career. Consequently, he's been divorced four times. His dog left with his last wife. So he has no private life and devotes all his time to his business ventures. He has a lot on his mind.

8 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 Audience Analysis… Please use the following questions to guide your extended analysis of one of the personas below. Please post the result of your analysis (along with the original personal information) in this thread of the discussion (i.e., as a reply to this message.) –Goals: What would be his/her goal in interacting with the professional portfolio? Implications? –Knowledge: What types of knowledge does he/she bring (and not bring)? Implications? – Circumstances of Use: Under what circumstance might he/she explore the professional portfolio? Implications?

9 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 2. Artifact Selection Working in a group of 4 students –Each student explains what choices he/she made and why. –Group discusses How the choices differ Why the choices differ –Class discusses Criteria for selecting artifacts for a portfolio…

10 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 3. Annotations Working in a group of four students, –Each student describes their annotation What decisions are you making in order to achieve what goal and taking into account what assumptions about the audience? Compare your annotations –Identify ways in which the annotations differ. –Discuss which annotations are “best” for which audience?

11 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 4. Portfolio Design Working in group of four students –Each student shares their proposed design What decisions are you making in order to achieve what goal and taking into account what assumptions about the audience? –Other students comment on: Grading criteria: Visual design, navigation design Envisioned difficulties General suggestions

12 TC 310, Week 10/Day 1, 2 December 2003 Looking Ahead… DayEmphasis Tuesday (11/25)Examples (see website for Fall 02, Spring 03) Audience analysis Tuesday (12/2)Storyboards Sample annotations Thursday (12/4)Software beyond TC310 Tuesday (12/9)Prof Portfolio due (Asgn 9) Open House (Joint with STC mtg) Monday (12/15)Learning portfolio due (Asgn 10)

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