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Punjabi WordNet Development Thapar University & Punjabi University Patiala.

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Presentation on theme: "Punjabi WordNet Development Thapar University & Punjabi University Patiala."— Presentation transcript:

1 Punjabi WordNet Development Thapar University & Punjabi University Patiala

2 Presentation Outline Status of number of synsets completed Database Development Process Demonstration of Punjabi WordNet Site

3 Status of work completed Dec' 2011 S. No.Record FileTotal Synsets Total Synsets Completed by Thapar University Total Synsets Completed by Punjabi University 1.Pan Indian Record 1347 (All Completed) 674673 2. Universal Synsets (7168 rercords) 7168 (All Completed) 30844084 3.Adverb Synsets 209 (All Completed) 104105 4.Verb Synsets 1798 (Completed 1679) 976/991 (Completed/Assigned) 703/807 (Completed/Assigned) 5.Adjective Synsets 3605 (Completed 3574) 1803 1771/1802 (Completed/Assigned) 6.Remaining Noun Record File 22050 (Completed 2988) 1190/11025 (Completed/Assigned) 1798/11025 (Completed/Assigned) TOTAL36177 (16965 Completed)78319134 16965 (Completed By Thapar University & Punjabi University ).

4 Pan Indian Synsets Total Number of synset : 1347 Total Synsets Completed by Thapar University : 674 Total Synsets Completed by Punjabi University : 673 File Status : Completed

5 Universal Synsets Total Number of synset : 7168 Total Synsets Completed by Thapar University : 3084 Total Synsets Completed by Punjabi University : 4084 File Status : Completed

6 Adverb Synsets File Total Number of synset : 209 Total Synsets Completed by Thapar University : 104 Total Synsets Completed by Punjabi University : 105 File Status : Completed

7 Verb Synsets Total Number of synset : 1798 Completed : 1679 Total Synsets Completed by Thapar University : 976/991 (Completed/Assigned) Total Synsets Completed by Punjabi University : 703/807 (Completed/Assigned) File Status : Ongoing

8 Adjective Synsets Total Number of synset : 3605 Completed : 3574 Total Synsets Completed by Thapar University : 1803 Total Synsets Completed by Punjabi University : 1771/1802 (Completed/Assigned) File Status : Ongoing

9 Remaining Noun Synsets Total Number of synset : 22050 Completed : 2988 Total Synsets Completed by Thapar University: 1190/11025 (Completed/Assigned) Total Synsets Completed by Punjabi University : 1771/1802 (Completed/Assigned) File Status : Ongoing Total Synsets Completed: 16965 (Completed By Thapar University & Punjabi University ).

10 Synset Id's that have been transliterated during creation process 9629, 10024, 11063, 12113, 13954, 14168, 14256, 14384, 14602








18 Database Creation Process Issues in the tool send by Goa University.

19 Sample Synset file uploaded on the tool

20 Ouput Sanpshot of the tool

21 Data in different tables wn_word wn_synset_words

22 Data in different tables Table: wn_synset Table: wn_synset _example

23 Approached followed in creation of database Port the whole synset file in a table with following structure: *Synset_id *Synset *Gloss: stores both concept and examples *Category

24 Table Snapshot

25 Logic for Insertion of Data into different tables To insert data into wn_word and wn_synset_words We select both synset_id and synsets fields from the table. After getting synsets value from a tbl_all_punjabi_synset_data table and their corresponding synset_id. We seperated the individual synset sepearted by commas(,) using tokenizer, and before insert we check whether that particular word is already exists in the data base or not. If the doesn't exists in database then the query automatically insert the word into data base. During insertion of words it also insert the priority of word into data table by counting the words under same synset_id the query sets priority one to the very first word of the synset_id, sets priority two to the next after first word and so on. To insert data in wn_synset and wn_synset_example Select both synset_id and gloss fields from the table. After getting all gloss value from a tbl_all_punjabi_synset_data table and their corresponding synset_id. We inserts the examples and gloss into “wn_synset_example” and “wn_synset. If there exists two or more examples or concepts for a particular id then we simply seperated the individual value sepearted by commas(/) using tokenizer, and insert the values into tables with same synset_id.

26 Snapshot of wn_word after insertion of data

27 Snapshot of wn_synset_words after insertion of data

28 Snapshot of wn_synset after insertion of data

29 Snapshot of wn_synset_example after insertion of data

30 Punjabi WordNet Demonstartion Site Address: Available over Internet

31 Snapshot of Punjabi WordNet Website





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