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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1528r0 Submission Nov 2014 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 1 IEEE 802 JTC1 SC closing report (Nov 2014) Date: 2014-11-7 Authors:

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1528r0 Submission Nov 2014 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 1 IEEE 802 JTC1 SC closing report (Nov 2014) Date: 2014-11-7 Authors:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1528r0 Submission Nov 2014 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 2 Abstract Closing report for IEEE 802 JTC1 SC for November 2014 in San Antonio

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1528r0 Submission IEEE 802 has pushed ten standards completely through the PSDO ratification process … Nov 2014 Andrew Myles, Cisco IEEE 802 standard 60 day pre-ballot 5 month FDIS ballot 802.11Passed (2012)Passed in 2012 802.1XPassed (2013)Passed (21 Oct 2013) 802.1AEPassed (2013)Passed (21 Oct 2013) 802.1ABPassed (May 2013)Passed (18 Dec 2013) 802.1ARPassed (May 2013)Passed (18 Dec 2013) 802.1ASPassed (May 2013)Passed (18 Dec 2013) 802.3Passed (2013)Passed (16 Feb 2014) 802.11aaPassed (Feb 2013)Passed (28 Jan 2014) 802.11adPassed (Feb 2013)Passed (28 Jan 2014) 802.11aePassed (Feb 2013)Passed (28 Jan 2014)

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1528r0 Submission … and IEEE 802 has ten standards in the pipeline for ratification under the PSDO process Nov 2014 IEEE 802 standard 60 day pre-ballot 5 month FDIS ballot 802.11acPassed (Sep 2014)- 802.11afPassed (Sep 2014)- 802.1AEbwPassed (Jan 2014)Closes 1 Feb 2015 802.1AEbnPassed (Jan 2014)Closes 1 Feb 2015 802.1XbxWaiting for IEEE pub- 802.1Q-RevWaiting for IEEE pub- 802Passed (Oct 2014)- 802.3.1Passed (Oct 2014)- 802.22Passed (May 2014)Closes 15 Feb 2015 802.22aWaiting for 802.22 802.11 TGmc 802.1 WG 802.11 TGmc 802.3 WG Comment resolution responsibility

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1528r0 Submission The SC discussed the outcomes of the SC6 meeting in London Thank you to the IEEE 802 delegation –Bruce Kraemer (HoD) –Adrian Stephens (HoD in training) –Stephen McCann –Jodi Haasz (IEEE staff) The SC6 agenda/attendance in London was very light –IEEE 802 provided updates under PSDO process –802.22 WG allocated maintenance responsibility for 8802-22 –No discussion on TePA or EUHT proposals... are they finished? –Limited discussions on “Virtual AP” and “Optimization technology in WLAN” … they will be dealt with in WG7 in teleconferences –SC6 will make a greater use of teleconferences in future Sept 2014 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 5

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1528r0 Submission The SC will focus in Atlanta on PSDO matters and WG7 proposal teleconferences Report on any discussion on IEEE submissions to SC6 under PSDO process Discuss the current renegotiation of PSDO agreements Report on status of teleconferences in SC6/WG7 on –“Virtual AP” –“Optimization technology in WLAN” Sept 2014 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 6

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