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My three Careers By: Neil Pillay. Teacher, Lawyer, And Computer Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "My three Careers By: Neil Pillay. Teacher, Lawyer, And Computer Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 My three Careers By: Neil Pillay

2 Teacher, Lawyer, And Computer Engineer.

3 Main Duties and description Teacher:  This occupational group includes heads of departments and high school librarians. Individuals working in this occupation must be resourceful, creative, empathetic patient and highly organized.  Teaching is both challenging and rewarding. Individuals in these occupations must have excellent communication skills, as well as the ability to inspire their students. They must also be flexible, patient and able to empathize with students.  They must also have the ability to teach students with a variety of learning abilities and needs. These workers must also have highly developed communication, interpersonal and instruction skills. Lawyer:  Lawyers advise clients on legal matters, draft legal documents and represent clients before courts, tribunals and administrative bodies. Lawyers are employed in law firms and prosecutor's offices.  They are also employed by federal, provincial and municipal governments and various business establishments or they may be self-employed. Lawyers require strong verbal abilities to enable them to communicate with clients and represent them in legal matters, as well as an ability to draft legal documents and provide legal advice.  These individuals should have an interest in negotiating the settlement of the problem, applying the principles of law, researching legal models and gathering evidence.

4 Main Duties and Description Computer Engineers:  Computer engineers research, design, plan, develop, test and modify computer and telecommunications hardware and related equipment, such as computer processors.  They also work on information and communication system networks, including mainframe systems, local and wide area networks, fibre-optic networks, wireless communication networks, Intranets, the Internet and other data communications systems.  Workers in this occupational group are employed by computer and telecommunication hardware manufacturers, engineering, manufacturing and telecommunications firms, information technology consulting firms, governmental, educational and research institutions, information technology units and the health industry throughout both the public and private sectors. Good communication and teamwork skills are assets for those employed in these occupations.  Individuals should be curious about how to make computers work better, and have an interest in logic design, microprocessor system design, computer architecture and interfacing, and system requirements and design. Good problem solving, advanced math and innovation skills are required.

5 Education & Training Teacher:  The Teacher Regulation Branch (TRB), part of the Ministry of Education, works within a legislative mandate to ensure that educators in the K-12 school systems in BC meet and maintain the high standards of competence and conduct required to keep students safe and foster public trust and confidence in the teaching profession.  No other occupation spends as much time with their clients as do educators. Parents entrust their children to the care of educators for seven hours a day, five days a week, forty weeks a year, for thirteen years.  This intense interaction has an immense impact on children's intellectual, emotional and physical development. The TRB works to ensure that certificate holders are well- educated and prepared for their important work with children and the responsibility they share with parents to raise strong, healthy and informed citizens.

6 Education & Training Lawyer:  For lawyers who wish to practise temporarily in BC, you will be considered to be providing legal services in BC if, you perform professional services for others as a barrister or solicitor with respect to or relying on the laws of BC or the laws of Canada applicable to BC or you give legal advice with respect to the laws of BC or the laws of Canada applicable to BC. You must therefore keep track of all of these activities. Computer Engineer's:  The main principles here are that computer engineers are innovative-type people.  They are problem solvers, and enjoy this type of work. Because computers are involved in just about every facet of human life now, a computer engineer can work in almost any field, ranging from the auto industry, working with financial institutions and banks, or working for NASA.

7 Statistics Teacher LawyerComputer engineer

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