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Nutrition for Kids Amy Iannuzzi Parents Why is this important?  Linked to their growth and development  Promote better quality of life  Childhood.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition for Kids Amy Iannuzzi Parents Why is this important?  Linked to their growth and development  Promote better quality of life  Childhood."— Presentation transcript:


2 Nutrition for Kids Amy Iannuzzi Parents

3 Why is this important?  Linked to their growth and development  Promote better quality of life  Childhood obesity rates are rising  Giving them a foundation for future


5 Healthy Eating Plate Overview  Plenty of whole grains, fruits and veggies  Choose fish, poultry, beans and nuts  Avoid added sugars and high salt  Drink water  Balance food with physical activity

6 What is Most Important? VVariety!

7 Variety of What? NNutrients CCarbohydrates PProteins VVitamin D IIron

8 Carbohydrates  Whole-grains  Brown Rice  Vegetables  Fruits

9 Protein  Meat  Fish  Cheese  Beans  Nuts  Seeds

10 Iron  Comes from  Meats  Beans  Green vegetables

11 Vitamin D  Derived from sun light  Fish oils  Eggs  Dairy Products

12 Always remember that nutrients make color, the more colorful the dinner plate, the better!

13 Healthy Meals for kids  Breakfast  Whole- grain breads or fiber containing cereals  Fruits (apple, grapes, bananas etc.)  Yogurt  If possible, skip fruit juice

14  Lunch  Choose whole-grain bread or roll for sandwiches  Try to always serve fruit rather than chips  Be sure to serve milk or water

15  Dinner  Should contain  Carbohydrates  Protein  Fat fruits vegetables, whole-grains white meat chicken or beans heart healthy (eg. Olive oil)

16  And for your kids sweet tooth  Dessert  Find ways to modify their favorite treats  Eg. Ice cream with fruit toppings

17  Snacks  Plain popcorn  Apples, bananas, grapes  Sandwiches  Low fat yogurt

18 What to avoid  Fast Food  Juice  Soda

19 Fast Food  Kids will ask for it  Although fast, not healthy  Make it a rare occasion  Learn to say no

20 Nutrition Video Nutrition For Kids

21 As parents…  Stay Educated  Teach your children healthy habits  Cook with children  Introduce them to new foods  Remember, it is your responsibility

22 References  nutrition/essential-nutrition.aspx nutrition/essential-nutrition.aspx  hcare-for-kids/health-education- materials?gclid=CPvixPHWmMgCFVORHw odHKkNnQ hcare-for-kids/health-education- materials?gclid=CPvixPHWmMgCFVORHw odHKkNnQ 

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