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Fire Collections There are three types of collections  Protection Assistance (FA-IM-2006-021)  Fire Trespass (FA-IM-2006-021)  Communications equipment.

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Collections There are three types of collections  Protection Assistance (FA-IM-2006-021)  Fire Trespass (FA-IM-2006-021)  Communications equipment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire Collections There are three types of collections  Protection Assistance (FA-IM-2006-021)  Fire Trespass (FA-IM-2006-021)  Communications equipment (FA-IM- 2005-005, Change 1) ( sold to rural fire departments or cooperators )

2 Authority Protection Assistance: FY 1999 Interior Appropriation (Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999, as included in Public Law 105277 section 101 (e)) provided permanent authority to keep sums received for fire protection rendered pursuant to the authorities in the 1955 Fire Reciprocal Protection Act (42 U.S.C. 1856 et seq.).

3 Authority Fire Trespass : Public Law 94-579, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), section 305, Deposits and Forfeitures. This section allows BLM to collect for fire trespass and use the collection for “any improvement, protection, or rehabilitation work.”

4 Protection Assistance All funds collected are deposited into both suppression and preparedness accounts. Preparedness – OR930-2842-RD-1000 Suppression – OR930-2841-RD-1000

5 Collections received for any year that the percentage has not been determined will be split 50/50. Collections apply to the year the incident occurred, not when the money is received.

6 Fire Assistance *2842/2852-* States will receive 50% of the preparedness part as a cost target through the AWP process. The remaining 50% will be managed by the National Office of Fire & Aviation for bureau- wide priorities. *-2841/2851-* Entire amount collected is managed by the National Office of Fire & Aviation for suppression related expenditures.

7 Proceeds are deposited to Subactivity 2841 & 2842 and expenditures will be made from Subactivity 2851 & 2852. CBS Collections come in as Action = Preparedness Assistance, Reimb (2842) and Suppression Assistance, Reim (2841). MIS shows amounts as Subactivities 2851 and 2852.



10 Uses of Fire Protection Collections These are considered one-time funds Non-recurring contracts Interagency activities One-time purchases not requiring monetary commitment beyond the level of the current preparedness budget.

11 Fire Trespass Fire trespass collections are deposited into either subactivity 5310 (Repair of Damaged Lands, O&C) or subactivity 5320 (Repair of Damaged Lands, Public Lands). Use office code “OR930”, program element “RD” and project code “FIRE when depositing these collections. OR930-5320-RD-FIRE

12 Fire Trespass Expenditures: Funds remain in OR930 Districts are authorized to spend 50% of the funds collected on their unit. Expenditures are made using the individual office code. Remaining 50% is managed by the State Office for statewide needs.

13 5320 Trespass Funds Unit FY 04 EOY Balance FY 05 Revenue FY 05 Changes Mid-Year Adjustment FY05 Expenditur es FY05 Balance FY06 Revenue FY06 Changes FY06 Expendit ures FY06 Balance OR 010$37,095$1,500$118,000-$59,000$1,304$96,291 OR 020$312,669 $48,092$264,577 $68,412 $196,165 OR 030$67,184$38,293$118,000-$59,000$14,950$149,527 $1,090 $149,527 OR 050$60,173$5,800$128,000-$59,000$11,405$123,568 OR 130 $9,350 OR 930$448,568$54,943-$447,000$177,000$0$233,511$1,096-$50,000 $184,607 OR 934-$8,479$0$83,000 $80,077-$5,556 $50,000 $44,444 TOTAL$917,210$109,886$0 $155,828$871,268$1,096$0$69,503 $872,364 06 Changes: OR934: L-381 Fireline Leadership course - $20,000 OR934: Fire Prevention - $30,000 06 Revenue: OR 934: $1096 (Spoon Creek- District unknown)

14 Fire Trespass Programs 5310 and 5320 include other BLM activities; therefore, it is “critical” that fire trespass collections cite the FIRE project code, or the funds risk being lost into a general collections category. If another federal agency’s cost are a part of the trespass bill, BLM must transfer their percentage of the collections via IPAC.

15 Uses of Fire Trespass Fund These are considered one-time funds Rehabilitate the lands damaged by the fire Non-recurring contracts Interagency activities Temporary labor Wildland fire prevention activities One-time purchases not requiring monetary commitment beyond the level of the current preparedness budget.

16 Communications equipment being sold to rural fire departments or cooperators.  CollectionsWhere to Deposit Radios & accessories OR-930-2842-RD-RDIO Chainsaws & other OR-930-2842-RD-CHSW Wildland fire suppression Equipment Computers & other OR930-2842-RD-COMP Related equipment Vehicles OR930-9310-77-*** *** = Vehicle Class number

17 Fire suppression and communications equipment being sold (Except for vehicles) 100% of the Proceeds are retained by the BLM state. Proceeds are deposited to Subactivity 2841 & 2842 and expenditures will be made from Subactivity 2851 & 2852. Funds derived in the sale of fire engines and other vehicles are deposited into the Working Capital Fund (WCF) account 680.

18 Uses of Collections from Rural Fire Departments These are considered one-time funds Use toward the purchase of similar equipment One-time purchases not requiring monetary commitment beyond the level of the current preparedness budget.

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