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The Dashboard The Working Conditions The Common Chapters State What’s Next.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dashboard The Working Conditions The Common Chapters State What’s Next."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dashboard The Working Conditions The Common Chapters State What’s Next.

2 The Dashboard … You’ll find there the Dashboardthere BI HW Domain BI SW Domain Other Commissioners (ABP/CO/OP) Domain

3 The Dashboard … The Dashboard Color Schema – The week number given in the table tells when we expect to be ready for commissioner tests.

4 The people involved

5 External Commissioner’s Roles

6 The General Working Conditions BI front end acquisition are triggered via the different following ways: General central timing events like pps for regular acquisitions (i.e. logging, fixed displays, FB loops…) Injection prepulses General machine events like injection, beam dumped, post mortem events (for IPOC, XPOC and PM buffers) Dedicated events like BLM, BCT, BPM, BSRT captures or BWS, BQ triggers Continuous loop when no specific sync is required.

7 The General Working Conditions For systems with turn or bunch resolution, some of these events (prepulses, capture/PM events…) are forwarded by the BOB (LHC fast timing system) to insure these systems will trig on the same expected turn. Today, the BOB infrastructure is configured and capable to retransmit these events to our front ends. To fully test systems like BLM or BSRA, we also need the energy to be transmitted through the GMT and regularly modulated from 450 GeV to 7 TeV.

8 The General Working Conditions So all we need to test our systems acquisitions is the regular transmission of these timing events on the GMT plus a modulation of the transmitted energy. We discussed with the other equipment group to put in place such a sequence of events that we could run on a regular basis and that could satisfy everybody. The result was a sequence of events, simulating series of fill (ie, injections and dumps at different energy) covering a full day. During each fill, in addition to the standard injections, start/stop ramp and beam dumped events, we will have BI capture events every 20 sec. The energy information will also be transmitted through the timing.

9 The General Working Conditions The proposed sequence of fill looked like this.this Unfortunately, we can not play this anymore until the repair and re-commissionning of the diluter kickers, active member of the energy transmission loop. We hope to have this back around week 23. In the mean time, an simple event sequence has been build that will run the events we are interested in (except PM events) on a regular bases with a fixed energy of 7648 GeV = Error. This table is currently running

10 The General Working Conditions

11 The Dashboard XPOC Column Most BI XPOC interfaces have been agreed and implemented. They are already currently tested by Verena during dedicated dry runs. We now expect Verena’s feedback until she eventually declares these chapters ready for beam.

12 The Dashboard PM Column Most BI PM interfaces have been agreed with CO and documented. BLM PM buffer transmission is currently tested by CO (M Zerlauth, N Trofimov) during dedicated dry runs. We plan to have BPM and BCT PM buffers ready for test by mid of June. M. Zerlauth gives us regular feedback and will eventually declare these chapters ready on the ‘technical’ side. But somebody should also review the content of these buffers

13 The Dashboard SetMan Column The LSA setting management DB is currently re-designed. The tool (extended ‘Acquire Settings’) proposed by Greg will cover our needs. Some minor missing features will be added in the coming days. We will create an LHC ‘HW Group’ for every BI observable (intensity, position, transv. profiles, long. profiles, losses, tune, luminosity) and manage our archives via this tool. Some commissioners will participate to see if there is a need for extra operational settings storage and how to handle them.

14 The Dashboard RBAC Column… We currently wait for the RBAC config tool to be finalized by AB/CO. The new expected features are: - the option to create and use device and property groups - the option to use a basic machine mode, i.e. OPERATIONAL, NOT-OPERATIONAL. This is now foreseen to only be operational end of June! BI plans for RBAC can be consulted in herehere I’ll insist on the fact that non RBAC-aware applications will lose connection with RBAC-aware FESA servers.

15 The Dashboard Logging Column … The commissioning infrastructure has been agreed with AB/CO/DM and is ready. BLM logging is ongoing. We will discuss and define the logging of the other systems in the coming weeks with the commissioners in charge and implement it. This should be practically finished by the end of June. We’ll start with BRANA, BRANB, BWS, BSRA, BSRTS this week.

16 The Dashboard FixDisp Column… Alarms: BI alarms will be discussed and agreed with Markus BI Video Transmissions: In progress: Full list in OP commissioners will follow this UP. CO ‘standard’ fixed displays (if any): Jakub (CO) should configure them and give us feedback We’ll have a LOT of standard/non standard FD. Somebody will have to think about it…

17 The Dashboard OPGUI Column… We are currently collecting every BI related applications on the LIDS (our SW portal) to give a simple and coherent access to these applications for our commissioners.SW portal We have to give our commissioners the possibility to easily work from their main working place, at least till the LHC start-up.

18 The Dashboard OPGUI Column… For all CO/OP commissioners, there is no issue. Their PC is most probably correctly configured or they can work from CCC. For ABP commissioners (mainly in Meyrin with non configured/trusted machines), we have to propose a solution. One option could be to open namely our future (foreseen mid June) BI terminal server cluster to our ABP commissioners (and only them), i.e.: J. Jowett, H. Burkhardt, M Giovannozzi, S Gilardoni, W Herr, C Carli, R Assmann, F Zimmermann, G. Arduini et toi. We’ll discuss this with CO. They have maybe something already foreseen for these cases.

19 Instrument Status See dedicated WikiWiki

20 What’s next? Instrument dedicated meetings to: Present available tools and list missing features: fixed displays OP GUI expert GUI test programs Ad hoc meetings triggered by the pilot to: Feedback Prepare tests Regular status update on Wiki by the pilot (see updates)updates The mini team mailing list and the issue tracking tool are also available.

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