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Database Issues Peter Chochula 7 th DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003.

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1 Database Issues Peter Chochula 7 th DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003

2 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 2  Acknowledgments Presented information was collected from several sources. Many slides are directly taken from F.Carminati, L.Betev and Laura del Cano.

3 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 3 Outline  This talk is collection of different database related topics  The aim of this talk is to clarify some terms  The talk is far from being conclusive – please see it as a collection of topics for discussions

4 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 4 Reference talks: Databases for ALICE P.Buncic & F.Carminati Technical Board Geneva, December 16 Update on ALICE Databases L. Betev ALICE Technical Board Geneva, May 20

5 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 5 Partial list of Databases in Alice (Source: talk of L.Betev)  Development by other groups in ALICE Detector Construction (DCDB) Run Control and Configuration (DATE) Detector Control System (DCS) – Configuration, Logging Cable database  Development by the off-line group File Catalogue (ALiEn) Detector Calibration Detector Geometry  Development by other groups at CERN Database for Equipment Management (DEM)  Currently being defined, EST/ISS group in charge

6 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 6 Detector Construction Database  Reference: dbalice/alice.html dbalice/alice.html  Contains all data related to the detector construction  Essential tool for tracking of detector properties during the construction time  Warsaw group is developing the ALICE DCDB  For more information please refer to meeting organized by W. Peryt on June 17

7 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 7 Offline Calibration Database (Source: talk of L.Betev) The choices of the object store technology has already been done i.e. ROOT

8 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 8 Database for Equipment Management (DEM)  Will store information about the properties, location and service connections of equipment installed into the LHC experiments  Main usage of DEM: Tracking of equipment (INB protocol) Management of material flow in experimental areas Management of material positioning in underground areas Planning support of maintenance operations  Call for User Requirements was submitted to offline board

9 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 9 Relationship of DEM with other projects  Production data will be stored in several places  ST databases will store information about cabling  Connection to condition database, DCDB etc. will be needed ALICE is involved in the DEM project

10 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 10 DCS Databases in Alice – Configuration System Configuration Device Configuration Dynamic Configuration FERO Configuration Configuration DB PVSS Hardware

11 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 11 FW PVSS Configuration Prototype  See talk given by Laura del Cano to JCOP FWG Meeting:  Configuration data: System Static Configuration (e.g. which processes are running, managers, drivers etc.) Device Static Configuration (device structure, addresses, etc.) Device Dynamic Configuration – Recipe (device settings, archiving, alarm limits etc.)

12 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 12 FW PVSS Configuration Prototype Implementation  Database access based on ADO  ETM provides sets of libraries enabling “quasi” ADO functionality on Linux  Underlying database system: Oracle and/or MySQL Few limitations based on data type diferencies between Oracle and MySQL

13 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 13 FW PVSS Configuration Prototype Status  First version prepared for beta testing Panels integrated in Device Editor/Navigator Set of panels for recipe management Database integrated with framework panels Libraries for database connectivity  Present version works only with devices integrated in framework

14 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 14 FERO Configuration  Data is accessed directly by the FED software  PVSS only transfers configuration request  Prototype exists for SPD Access Technology: ADO under Windows XP Database : MySQL  DAQ and DCS will share FERO configuration data Present agreement expects relational database and usage of standard SQL

15 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 15 DCS Databases in Alice - Logging Archive PVSS Archive Condition DB Present Model is based on PVSS Archiving scheme Condition DB is an extension of the standard archiving

16 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 16 DCS logging limitations  PVSS archives are distributed Offline software might have problems to retrieve the information Access to Archives is based on proprietary technology  Condition Database stores data “relevant to offline” Disadvantage is data duplication We always “forget” to store some data  In first approximation all data is “relevant” to offline  Possible replacement of archives with relational database is a very interesting option

17 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 17 FERO Configuration Database Prototype  SPD prototype is based on standard SQL  ADO has been chosen as access technology as it enables easy integration with different database systems  Prototype database is implemented in MySQL (Oracle version will follow)  Subdetectors are launching their database projects There is an urgent need for coordination (see next talk on numbering and naming conventions)

18 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 18 Conclusions  The database problematic is evolving  There are many projects indirectly related to DCS  JCOP Framework is evaluating its PVSS configuration tools  First prototypes for FERO configuration exist  There is a need for coordination between projects  User feedback is essential  See next talk on naming and numbering conventions for additional details

19 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 19  ADO has been mentioned several times ( see also the talk on FERO presented at this workshop)  In following slides we provide a few basic facts about this technology

20 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 20 Data Access Technology – ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)  ADO provides object model for programmatically accessing, editing, and updating data from a wide variety of data sources  Ado is accessing data through OLE DB system interfaces.  The most common usage of ADO is to query a table or tables in a relational database, retrieve and display the results in an application, and allow users to make and save changes to the data.

21 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 21 ADO Examples  For a given database only a ODBC interface is available Solution: Ole DB provider for ODBC source  Native OleDB provider exists Solution: Ado talks directly to the provider  Data is stored in files on NTFS Solution: Native OleDB provider over Microsoft Indexing Service can be used

22 Peter Chochula 7 th ALICE DCS Workshop, June 16, 2003 22 Database Migration with ADO  Data is residing in MS access database stored in D:\Database\SPD_Prototype.MDB: spCON->ConnectionString ="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=SPD_Prototype.MDB;DefaultDir=d:\\database;";  Data is Stored in MySQL Database residing at the same machine. ADO uses OLEDB Provider for ODBC sources: spCON->ConnectionString ="DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 DRIVER};DB=SPD_Prototype;";  Data is store on remote MySQL server. The connection details described in system DSN: spCON-> ConnectionString="DSN=MySQL_Remote_SPD_Prototype;"; The rest of the program code remains EXACTLY the same !

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